You're exploring a newly discovered (insert location here). After navigating through a few different passages, and fighting a mere handful of pests (rats, goblins, undead), you finally happen upon a worthy adversary. A battle ensues. Blow after blow is exchanged, and then CLANG!!!! Your weapon is damaged and rendered useless. Your right thumb makes a dash for the B button (I'm a console user, PC players, don't hate) and in a matter of seconds a repair hammer is equipped. Three dings and your sword is as sharp as the day it was forged. You engage in combat once again until only one warrior remains standing.
Can you say "Immersion Breaker"? For some reason, I can't imagine your opponent delaying your epic deathmatch just so you can stop and repair the tool you are going to use to bring him to his end.
Also, one would imagine that mindlessly banging your weapon with a hammer, without a proper forge at least, would only damage your weapon even further.
Weapon repairations should only be able to be done when not in combat, with a whetstone instead of a hammer.
Armor should only be able to be repaired at a forge or an armament shop (Best Defense, Stonewall Shields), unless it is leather or fur, which can be repaired with a Repair.....Needle? (i know it sounds silly but if you think about it, large needle and leather strips could actually work.)
What do you guys and girls think?
DISCLAIMER: you cannot in fact repair equipment while in combat or with enemies nearby, the story was to act as an attention grabber. Please only leave comments pertaining to the main point of the topic, not calling me out on a mistake.