I'm all for helping others where possible, but it appears to be coming a more and more frequent occurrence for users to start new threads with a question while the current Official thread is active.
This means fragmented information all over the forum, resulting in the same question cropping up dozens of times, sometimes within the space of a few days.
To give an example of this there are eleven threads spread over the first five pages currently for FCOM related issues. That doesn't include the normal crop of load order issue posts.
If these queries are addressed in the parent thread and the question satisfactorily answered, then that information is readily available and accessible to all just by reading or backtracking through one thread.
Apart from receiving often conflicting information from well intentioned members in these threads, the likelihood of a quick and accurate answer from the modder and users familiar with the inner workings of a specif mod in the home thread are perhaps tenfold.
I'm sure there are others who will read this and silently agree that it does get tedious repeating yourself five and six times a week.
Yes, the option is there not to reply to the poster, but that doesn't eradicate the issue.
Perhaps I'm just ranting, but I've been accused of being over zealous and harsh three times in the last few days for trying to direct users to a parent thread.
edit - and to RTFRM :swear: :banghead: