Hi, is there a straightforward, quick way of replacing an existing landscape texture with a custom one via the CS ? Placing the texture in my textures folder won't do, since I don't want to affect ALL places in the game where it's used.
To be more precise, I am using the mod White Suran by BW & Melchior Dahrk, I like the new appearance of the town a lot, but I would like to replace the ground texture that was left unchanged (Tx_WG_cobblestones_01.dds ?) with a more suitable choice of my own, but I don't want it to affect Balmora too. Not sure if it's doable, but if it can be done, I hope it won't undo the land seams fixes of Slartibartfast.
Landscape tutorials aren't much of help, they all assume you're trying to create terrain from scratch and don't mention how to replace a terrain texture that's used in multiple places with a unique one, just simple swapping, 1 texture for another, no change of placement or anything.