Replacing the running animation with the walking animation

Post » Tue Aug 12, 2014 4:21 am

Hello wastelanders. I wasn't too sure whether or not a topic like this would belong in this section or the GECK section.

I'm on PC - I was wondering if there was any way to change the animation that plays out when pressing the "W" key to trek forward. Instead of using the running animation, are there any tweaks/modifications that could let the player walk like NPCs do? I know you can do this on consoles with a slight force on the left anolog stick. I would actually like for this tweak to affect every NPC in the game universally.

I understand the "player.setav speedmult" & "player.setgs fmoverunmult" console commands can slow/speed up characters' rates, but velocity is not what I'm striving for.. it is the animation. Are there any mods/tweaks that can disable the running animation, and replace it with the walking animation?

Thanks in advanced, friends - GS

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