» Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:36 am
As replay value goes hand in hand with the variety offered, I reckon i'll chuck my two cents in. The only way i see this game tarnishing over time is if it lacks a full set variety of online gameplay modes. I love objection based matches as much as the next guy, but (berate me if you will) Death Match modes definitely have a role in any FPS. Don't get me wrong, tactically defending/capturing/maneuvering objectives is an amazing experience when playing with a well coordinated team, but every now and then mindless killing (which, despite the obvious denial of the fact, can also be done tactically) is exactly what a guy needs to blow off some steam. All i'm saying is that limiting the game variant does nothing but restrict the players. Personally i wouldn't mind a mix of the two types, very similar to the Star Wars: Battlefront series, in which objectives are important but you still have reason to be conservative with how many times you die. Makes since to me, and, talking from first hand experience, it portrays war and military conflict more realistically than either Objective or DM modes can alone.