1) completly agree but take out HLDM (wah is that) and put in star wars battlefront 2 and 1. Every game was diffrent and every time you would be better and better untile someone else was better than you and you learn from tehm. But with the ammount of stuff you could do and can't do it made for a relaly epic experience.
2) Standard greeting here: Hi. checkout teh HORSE compendui and dont post threads without 1: reading the HORSE compenduim 2: using the search engine and 3: reading over other threads
My greeting: Waz up newbe welcome to the forums
I read a compendium the other day to catch up (not sure if it's that one, but it was detailed enough) and already learned a lot about the game through the months since it was announced. Just haven't bothered posting until now

Brink has my attention, it's looking quite good. And don't worry, I am a relative veteran to forums so I don't tend to post "When is beta out pl0x?" threads

I just feel the replay value card gets played on many forums for new games in recent years. Brink, like any shooter, will have replay value if it's fun and there are lots of people to play against. From what I've seen of Brink, the variance of travelling the maps should bring a lot of variety even in a normal play session on the same map.
Oh and HLDM = Half-Life Death-Match. One of the Granddaddies of FPS online gaming.