This thread has spiraled completely out of control and into the realms of insanity. And not in a funny/mythy kind of way.
Seriously; cloning?
This sounds so very profound. Too bad it's absolute quackery.
Ignoring the fact that you're forming hypothetical situations within hypothetical situations, let's play along: suppose you take a cloned Dwemer baby and lock him up in a room full of shiny Dwemer artifacts. You have 2 Dwemer locked in with him to facilitate his "cultural indoctrination": Yagrum, who was a Tonal Architect (the equivalent of a theoretical quantum physicist), and a Dwemer ghost dude who likes to haunt things because it's a ghost. What in sixteen hells do you think would make either of these two individuals have any kind of cultural "common sense"? And, more importantly, won't a Dwemeri child kind of be, oh, I dunno, mentally retarded if it was locked in a room for the greater part of its young life?
Not that it matters, anyway, because we're talking about cloning and pop psychology in a myth-based fictional setting. Also, this idea is incredibly BATW -- in fact, it crosses the line from BATW and traverses into the territory of "utterly inane and a waste of conversational space." So there.
And, in conclusion, I really hope this doesn't count as a flame, because none of these attacks are ad hominem. If, for some reason, they do, then I think I've lost my faith in humanity.
What exactly do you have against cloning? Is it that I suggested it or is it that it has already been done by Divayth Fyr? If you did not know that. If you did not know that Divayth has four wives living with him that he cloned from his own body then I suggest that you have never played Morrowind and have not read this thread.
You might be thinking in terms of either creating an isolation environment or a torture chamber ... whatever turns you on - I'm thinking in terms of renovating an entire underground colony at the max or simply creating a new, normal Dwemer habitation suitable for whatever number of baby/child clones and adequate support is decided upon. This is a problem? You could not have thought in these terms yourself? Or is it as you suggest that you are deliberately talking nonsense?
Are you also saying that Tonal Architects and Quantum Physicists are a danger to children? Then I expect that you will be lobbying for laws to neuter them all? And naturally in your own country you will be organising mass demonstrations outside the homes of any Quantum Physicists that dare to marry without permanent neutering! So where are you really coming from?
As for 2 Dwemer ... I see nothing against hiring other beings of other races ... etc, etc ... blah - read what was written earlier.
Hard for me to know what your post is about really. The possibilities seem to be: either you did not read the thread so you are not in a position to comment; or you did and either what you are doing is rubbishing based on deliberate misrepresentation and what you have said is nonsense and therefore boring;. or you are not very good at reading ... :roll eyes: Please do me a favour and keep it simple and sensible.
Oh and about pop-culture??? Well if Pelinal is SF (and you beat me about the head because I felt it was being interpreted in a way that was too sf) then what are you on about?
Lord Hyamentar Posted Yesterday, 06:52 PM
Why are you talking as if this actually some marvelous process of wonderment going on here? The original Dwemer removed themselves from reality, if this "new Dwemer race" is the same, then they would soon be heading along that track again.
You're just pasting it all in honey.
Again I would suggest that you are doing what Adventurous Putty did - ignoring what was said before: According to documents I read Kagrenac did all the removing and against the will of the Dwemer - the King of a Nation is the Will of the Nation so Dumac is Dwemer and Kagrenac (the priest of no God but himself) staged a one man revolt and defied him and the entire Nation. Also, as has been said before, Kagrenac was not simply mad - he was a genius and hardly representative of the Dwemer people. He also acted in opposition to the proper government - rather like a scientist who decides to create and to test a 10,000 megatonne hand held bomb in secret and sets it off before the government troops can arrive to prevent him. Ooops - does that mean the entire nation is mad - or just one hokerr?
Also your suggestion the children would just head along the same track has nothing to substantiate it in any case. Biological beings are not programmed to that extent by their cells ... that's just nonsense. And as a couple of your lot have already suggested, the massive changes in Bagrum's nature due to his illness and involvement of non-Dwemer would mitigate that in any case. I don't think you guys can have it both ways there - criticising a recreation of the Dwemer becuase they would no longer be emotionless and then rejecting a recreation of them on the grounds that they would be emotionless ...
I suggest if you're that worked up you all calm down and take a look at what we're all really trying to say - and accept that we are saying that Dwemer were not robots, and should not be made into robots. Anyone would think you guys are confusing the Dwemer with their creations ...
If you take a look at the Wall-Art in Vivec there is a fascinating drawing of what appear to be small beings ... it might shed a new light on the actual nature of the Dwemer. ... and maybe you ought to go through all the letters, scattered about Morrowind, that are written by Dwemer to each other and about their civilisation. In their normal lives they are not at all as people have been trying to paint them in this thread - they have hopes, aspirations, appreciation of beauty and a sense of family, honour etc, etc. Again one wonders if you actually played Morrowind - and surely you cannot have read all the books and notes there.
Luagar2 Posted Yesterday, 06:06 PM
Being able to slap people in-game doesn't mean he knows jack about martial arts...
You cannot be serious. What do you think it takes to make a Planes Walker in the Elderscrolls? Do you even accept that Bagrum Yagrum is a Planes Walker? Um - I read numerous stories from gamers who were defeated by Yagrum - so that means Yagrum was able to defeat the Nerevarine. And fairly high level chars at that - did you ever fight him? Surely you played Morrowind ... or maybe you are now getting on a bit and just forget things

like me?
If it's a new culture, then its not Dwemer culture, regardless of what the clones think - that's the point...
You make the assumption that they would still be Dwemer even with a new name and culture, despite that having a new culture is exactly what would make them not Dwemer. You have yet to make an argument concerning how they would be Dwemer when they're nothing like the Dwemer...
I suspect that you too have succummed to the sin of repetition

So I give you 1 reply to your 2 paragraphs: If a Dwemer teaches it, it is Dwemer ... and if a Dwemer decides to teach a New Dwemer way who are you to say it is not Dwemer? If you do not want this to happen no matter what then what does it matter to you if they are Dwemer in the ancient tradition or Dwemer following a new tradition?
We are simply being pragmatic about this and looking at what might happen based upon what was and is ... we allow for what has come to be and seek options. We do not want to change Morrowind as it was. We simply seek ways that might add something to what Morrowind and Tamriel might become.
Given all the 'horror stuff' in-game that so many enjoy I really fail to see why if all this turns out disastrously that would upset you and the opposition you have allied yourself with in this thread. An expansion including this would then be either more of the downside that doomsayers seem to love ... or if this was set into a really good scenario there should be possibilities for it to turn out along any number of the paths (good/bad/successful/failed) that have been discussed in this thread. That's what really good quest creation is actually about ES-style.