Luargar2 I isolate the pivotal parts of your argument so that my posts aren't huge blocks of texts - I could keep it all in there but that would just look ugly... besides, much of it is often repetitive or irrelevant. And please, if I have taken something out of context point it out. It's not help to just accuse me of taking something out of context and then not telling me what...
Luargar2 I'll also thank you for completely ignoring the rest of my argument...
Sauce for the goose

I was merely isolating pivotal parts of your argument etc ... :rolleyes: - so is only one of us allowed to ignore the other's statements? :shrug:
I never said anything about a starter character and I assume you're well aware of that, but having no legitimate argument must resort to irrelevant and petty diversions. I diverge, and will again point out that being able to travel between realms has no relevance to being able to fight;
Well I never said you had said anything about a starter character - I merely used that anology to describe the kind of level you appear to portray Bagrum as being at ... ummm Luargar2, I think that bit referred to whether or not Bagrum knows how to fight in the Dwemer style. I believe you yourself were questioning whether he could fight or knew martial arts, questioning my assertions in response to others who said he could not. Before you assert such things maybe you ought to ask him - failing that I guess you might fight him with a med level character who has trained in martial atrs? Then decide for yourself. As I said the other players who fought him were not using starter-characters. and all but the uber-level Nerevarines found him tough opposition. Actually most said he was far tougher than Vivec who is a god-person and a 'general' - so please do some research first.
And I was saying that an intelligent, experienced and widely travelled Plains walker would naturally know how to fight and being a Dwemer and a 'scientist' I would naturally expect him to have taken the sensible precaution of studying the relevant texts and taken proper instruction in the correct and most efficient Dwemer way to do so - in other words I do not view him as a starter-grade character with no learning and merely basic knowledge.
False anology, an English village is founded by the English, not scientists trying to recreate what they think is an English village based solely on ruins and an impaired citizen who was himself removed from the the mainstream of what is 'English'...
Unsure where the 'what they think is an English village' could possibly refer to. I would have thought it pretty obvious that a Dwemer ruin is a Dwemer ruin. And I sincerely hope that you are never in a position where you have to judge the viability of a person's mental state based on your assessment of Bagrum - just go talk to Bagrum again - I am sure that you will find him far saner than you and others remember and maybe saner than some of the people you know - he was certainly very helpful to me and conversed most sensibly. I would think the fact that he was able to translate certain highly technical / scientific texts and remember their content would have told you much about his mental capabilities (with or without the use of a 'rosetta stone') Just because a person does not measure up to his own standards it does not mean to say that he is a total write off. Given the conversations I had with him I judge him to be a veritable fount of wisdom, sagacity and knowledge compared with the average mer in the street - and generally sane. And it was clear that he was well up to the general standards needed to teach children the basics of Dwemer culture. Go back to talk to Bagrum himself. He's waiting there for you.
In my lifetime I have seen the mainstream of England change so much that what I see now of education is a joke by comparison. Pre WW2 Matriculation on a subject-by-subject basis of compaison appears to have been superior to an average present day Degree ... but today's stuff is still English - however sadly debased. And you keep dismissing those spirits (Weird has now indicated the existance of 2 known sane Dwemer spirits) as well as the possibility they might be reincorporated in a clone ... Would you like to address that possibility?
Luargar2 re comment by the Putty Person: "neither of us were arguing against cloning."
One moment while I collect a quote from Putty:
Adventurous Putty: This thread has spiraled completely out of control and into the realms of insanity. And not in a funny/mythy kind of way.
Seriously; cloning?
adventurous Putty: Not that it matters, anyway, because we're talking about cloning and pop psychology in a myth-based fictional setting.
Looks to me that the putty person was definately arguing against cloning ... unless cloning does not really mean cloning? His statements led me to believe that he thinks cloning is not something that anyone should take seriously in a mythic/fantasy environment - sort of ignoring his support for the sf aspects obscure texts and Pellinal the spaceman

So does that mean he was trolling as well as flaming?
Come off it - there have been people posting in this thread who have denied that cloning would work, that Divayth would do it and here is putty saying that this in-game fact is not fact ... I'm sure that putty knows what he is saying and doing even if the others do not.
I agree with you Luagar2 that it would be unlikely that the entire Dwemer civ could be revived ... some things are lost forever and others I would hope are lost. But a restart rather than allow genocide by one individual of that race? That I can support.
The way I feel about this is it's like the guy who walks down the street and watches a hokerr set off a bomb. A family is killed except for one member who loses his tackle and legs. The guy who sees it is a surgeon and can sew the guy's tackle back on and knows it will be in working order, but he says: 'Nah - even if I sew those bits back on he still would not be a man. Men walk erect on two legs and he does not have a leg to stand on.'
Regarding Weird's latest contribution:
I understood that Kagrenac's action ended a very bloody war? There must have been thousands upon thousands of spirits caught between those moments after death and before reincarnation ... and I do not believe such a process to be instantaneous either ...