Maybe the Divayth comment can be read in several ways.
Divayth is about to die? - so it would be impossible fo rhim to do this - that would be an event to rock Morrowind and the entire Elder Council!
Morrowind is passed makes it impossible ... ??? nonsense.
Divayth does not have the knowledge = impossible ... see below
Divayth would have to do a lot of extra research = highly unlikely???? I do not think so.
What would Divayth's incentive be? = it might be highly unlikely given all the new troubles that as an advisory to the Elder Council he will be wrapped up in.
Azura might get very upset with him = highly unlikely ... my reading is that they get on well and understand each other's natures ...
please add one-liners if you see more impossibles/unlikelys
The Nerevarine's 'cure' has been rumoured to be a one off, unrepeatable - anyone know for sure? Anyways = irrelevant
Azura owes Divayth for his transmutation of the effects of coprus on the Nerevarine - an important step in her stated plans
Divayth Fyr is an avid researcher! Just try and stop him if Yagrum desires this ... or if Divayth gets interested himself ...
Divayth Fyr is not only fascinated by Bagrum, Bagrum is a friend.
Divayth's clones do not share his memories.
There are 2 kinds of evolution:
Darwinian is the physical kind - the other Lamarkian is cultural evolution ...
Proweller - I'm sure you know perfectly well that little Dwemer grow up to be big Dwemer by learning from other Dwemer - and Bagrum is a Dwemer.
I'm perfectly certain that between them Divayth, Bagrum and the 4 wives are quite capable of teaching little Dwemer about being good Dwemer and that the little Dwemer are entirely capable of inventing ways to become bad Dwemer without any help from anyone (even you). So please be sensible in your arguments. Cargo children are what happens to children brought up in a situation where they are denied healthy stimulous and education.
Bagrum may not entirely be his former self but he is perfectly able to remember his entire search for other Dwemer and speculate most interestingly about Kagrenac etc = he remembers so much about his people - that's part of what keeps him relatively sane. he built his walker when the physical effects of the Coprus became overwhelming. He remembers enough to teach a bunch of kids thankin you.
You might ask would Bagrum himself want to do this? Talk to Bagrum himself - he desperately misses his people - surely no one is insensitive to that fact?
Divayth started his clones as an experiment - but clearly has become quite fond of them and they of him ... would he want to do this for his old friend?
Would Azura permit Bagrum to live if she did not hold him to blame? No. Therefore if she holds Bagum to be innocent/punished enough - then if it is possible for Dwemer to be cloned from him they are free of her ire provided they do not mess with stuff that she finds repulsive she is unlikely to object. Caring, clemency, love and nurturing are part of her expressed nature.
I've been given a very hard time for suggesting that SF is out of order learn about Pelinal - however I find Dwemer 'science' appropriate.
And finally I think an overwhelming number of Morrowind fans would find such a new beginning utterly poignant and romantic.
If the devs believe it will not fit their current plans then you are perfectly free to MOD IT!