Report: Long-Range Archery broken?

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:45 pm

First of all what dictates the maximum range of a fire projectile, is gravity and to a lesser extent air resistance. The latter of which is countered mostly by the aerodynamics involved in the design of the arrows or the bullets in question.

lol, so what your really saying is that you don't know what your talking about. I never said pebble, but I should have said slingshot. Countered mostly, yep those 9mm just cut through the air for miles right. :lol:
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:00 pm

Is this a PC only problem? Any problems with 360? I cannot view those videos at work. Thanks.
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:38 am

His claim is bs, Why? the bullet would have hit the ground before slowing down that much? Forward momentum (the stuff that makes bullets kill) also happens to be the same stuff that keeps the bullet in the air.

Now if he's claiming someone actually compensated for bullet drop, aiming upward in an arc, and actually hitting a target 2 km away.....2km?! That's 1 and a quarter miles. that's 6600 feet. If you're telling me someone hit a target at that range without advanced optics....there's so much wrong with this's not worth even discussing, how do you dress yourself?

A ar15 with a 9mm reciever with 200 rounds of ammo on a calm day with the room to do it. Ok the board was only hit once so sue us. Besides the target was almost as big as a house.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:37 am

A ar15 with a 9mm reciever with 200 rounds of ammo on a calm day with the room to do it. Ok the board was only hit once so sue us. Besides the target was almost as big as a house.

Say all this is completely valid.

If you put razortipped arrow into a sling shot and shot me with it, I'd be having a pretty bad day.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:59 pm

A ar15 with a 9mm reciever with 200 rounds of ammo on a calm day with the room to do it. Ok the board was only hit once so sue us. Besides the target was almost as big as a house.

A slowball ammo like 9mm is, of course going to hit like a slingshot that far away. Don't compare a 9mm slug at 2K to an arrow at 150 yards.

FYI, the velocity of an arrow from a longbow is probably a little less than half a 9mm

Estimated range of a longbow is 180-249 yards

"It is also well known that no practice range was allowed to be less than 220yds by order of Henry VIII"
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:39 pm

Who cares -- it sounds like this is a PC only problem.

The vast majority of us are having a blast sniping mammoths from miles away!
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:06 am

Who cares -- it sounds like this is a PC only problem.

The vast majority of us are having a blast sniping mammoths from miles away!

I lol'd. Also !%#$ you.
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:55 am

Who cares -- it sounds like this is a PC only problem.

The vast majority of us are having a blast sniping mammoths from miles away!

No, you just can't tell the issue happens on a console because you don't have the accuracy of a mouse.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:38 am

Who cares -- it sounds like this is a PC only problem.

The vast majority of us are having a blast sniping mammoths from miles away!

This is a console issue as well.

Ten bucks says you have the same range issue as everybody else. Prove me wrong?
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GEo LIme
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:52 am

I recently fixed my archery with a ini file fix. Under [Combat] add these two lines:
and you will have Oblivion style archery with (as far as I can tell) fixed distance kills if you're good enough at predicting the arc of flight.
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:41 pm

No but much like a bullet from well ouside if it's range it will be more like getting hit with a rock.

If you shoot an gun upward in 45 degree angle for maximum range it can kill then landing kilometers away. even then shooting at an very high angle like 70 degree it's lethal, However if you shoot an bullet straight up it will stop at the top and start tumbling down doing no damage.

Arrows are more aerodynamic than bullets while being slower and heavier so they keep speed better. Standard practice for soldiers with longbows was to start shooting and the enemy at maximum range at 45 degree angle, no you can not aim at this distance but if the enemies was grouped together you could still hit and kill
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:18 am

It svcks because in Oblivion this wasn't the case. I could snipe mobs 2x as far in Oblivion as I can in Skyrim. I'm sure it'll be fixed with mods though.

Hmm, this is the case with me too.

In oblivion, it was pretty awesome to blind fire a target and hit it anyway.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:51 pm

I rarely even use bows but even I find this annoying when trying to get the attention of a high-flying dragon. The arrow just seems to despawn before it can reach its target.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:03 pm

I'm sorry to say but you're wrong. Do you really want to get into a physics discussion about this wild hare of yours?

We dont even need to get into a physics discussion to know hes wrong my friend. History tells us that King Henry VIII had his men practice no shorter then 220 yards away with their long bows. King Edwards pro arches could cast an arrow 400 yards away.

Sure accuracy and range are two different things. An archer of Kings Henry's time could hit something 170-230 yards away part of the time, while hitting a whole army beyond that range, all of the time. I can hit a target 90-100 yards away with my long bow in real life...most of the time, and if the target was the size of a mammoth, perhaps all of the time. :D

Lets not be mistaken, getting struck by an arrow by one of these ancient archers more likely meant more then getting hit by a Nerf ball at long ranges, more like your life. It would likely penetrate your iron armor, leather clothes and your body. Lets not even talk about close range.

I believe I have trouble shooting a dragon while in flight because of this issue. So I think skyrims range for arrows is way off and needs to be fixed even if it supposed to be intended.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:32 am

UPDATE: Check here If you're still having problems with Long-Range Archery.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:23 am

If I'm technically able to hit a target a ridiculously long way away, will there still be damage?

I ask this because there have been a numerous times where I have been far away from an enemy and shot an arrow at it. I SAW the arrow and it looked like it reached the target, but I got no notification of "sneak attack" nor did I see a health meter.

Do I have to be close enough in-range for damage to be detected?

I wont say it's impossible I missed.

All I know is that I noticed there seems to be this drastic and suspicious drop in my "accuracy" after a set distance.

Distance of X = "pretty good accuracy."
Distance of X+1 foot = "0% accuracy"

Tried testing this on the largest, slowest, animal I can find. A Mammoth.

I was sneaking and positioned myself on a large rock. I shot an arrow at a very far distance. I Fired 10 arrows at varying levels of my crosshairs

Although the mammoth was "aware" that something was going on, NO damage or sneak attack messages were displaying.

I cut my distance in half, and suddenly the Mammoth started taking damage from my shots.

Conclusion: After a set distance. Archery DOESN'T register damage.

You know I see these kinds of posts and its like... Wow really?
lets look at it from a realistic point of view for a second. I bow hunt during hunting season. The maximum shot you want to make is on a perfectly lined up deer broadside is maybe 30 yards. Now. A yard is what 36 inches. Screw it lets us meters. 1 meter = 39 inches. So we'll say 25 meters. Any further than that and you're loosing way too much power on the shot, accuracy suffers, and more than likely you're not killing what you hit, if you hit. These aren't high powered rifles. They are a 10000 year old weapon first used by primitive man.

Now, I saw a post the other day where a guy was complaining he couldn't hit a target 200 + some meters away or something close to that. I don't remember specifics. I remember thinking at the time "Jesus what a moron. Trying to hit a target that far away." My point i guess is you should not expect to be able to hit or damage a target more that 25-30 at most 40 meters away from you. Firstly it isn't realistic, secondly, you're forgetting the physics in the game aren't exactly real world standard, and third, I don't think they intended for you to be taking shots from very far away.

I've had absolutely not issues using a bow at normal expected archery ranges and getting hits and or kills. I'm trying to be nice about it but to sum it up... you're doing it wrong.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:32 pm

You know I see these kinds of posts and its like... Wow really?
lets look at it from a realistic point of view for a second. I bow hunt during hunting season. The maximum shot you want to make is on a perfectly lined up deer broadside is maybe 30 yards. Now. A yard is what 36 inches. Screw it lets us meters. 1 meter = 39 inches. So we'll say 25 meters. Any further than that and you're loosing way too much power on the shot, accuracy suffers, and more than likely you're not killing what you hit, if you hit. These aren't high powered rifles. They are a 10000 year old weapon first used by primitive man.

Now, I saw a post the other day where a guy was complaining he couldn't hit a target 200 + some meters away or something close to that. I don't remember specifics. I remember thinking at the time "Jesus what a moron. Trying to hit a target that far away." My point i guess is you should not expect to be able to hit or damage a target more that 25-30 at most 40 meters away from you. Firstly it isn't realistic, secondly, you're forgetting the physics in the game aren't exactly real world standard, and third, I don't think they intended for you to be taking shots from very far away.

I've had absolutely not issues using a bow at normal expected archery ranges and getting hits and or kills. I'm trying to be nice about it but to sum it up... you're doing it wrong.

As someone mentioned earlier: these threads have not been made to discuss the trajectory of arrows, the accuracy of bows, gravity, wind resistance or realism. All we want is for Bethesda to fix the fact that currently arrows fly straight through targets if said target is more than X (I'd say about 80) meters away.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:05 am

I play Skyrim on xbox and this arrow range thing is without a doubt a BUG, i have tried for more than 2 hours to shoot different targets from long range, and the arrow flys right through the target, this really needs to be fixed as it ruins my gaming experience !!

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