I am currently running 1.6 patch, I have autosaves off, I use a fresh new save file pretty much always, and My crashing issues are mostly typical while roaming the wasteland. (Could be when the character enters a new "zone" and the game is rendering the enviorment off in the distance? and gets a hicup while transitioning? ) It seems like 75%-maybe 90%of the occurances happen when having a follower. This seems consistent in f.o.3 and f.o.n.vl
My other crashing issues frequently happen at Gun runners location vendor (particularly when buying the misc. goods, it freezes while in the bartering/buying menu). I had this also in fo3 w/ buying from Crow the caravaner. I have deleted game data and reloaded, w/ new patch and crashing frequency has not seemed to improve.
Also at Miguel's pawn shop, fast traveling there has often put my charachter into such severe frame rate drop , that it looks like i am in ultra slow mo, aka 1 frame per 3 seconds. I also have no level cap at 30, I have not added any dlc, but merely the patch and i am at level 32. Is this normal??
I wish I could persuade all the owners of your game to push for our money back until those on your leadership team or the demands of the public learn to wait for completion and obtain a borderline perfection(on par w/ the majority of major release titles) before releasing to the public.. we know there are deadlines and you got to meet goals.. but come on. Many other great games have the same deadlines and their software doesnt crash ~1-2x per hour!!!! Wth????
I speak for the majority population who owns your game in saying.. Your product is like the story of the apple on the tree, yeah its apealing to the eyes and senses, but when bitten, it rots the stomach and ruins your "gaming life".