Hello all, I'm new here so be gentle :wave:
I would like to express my problems as well that I have had recently as well?where do I begin?
Main Issue:One of the showstopper error is, during the main campaign, in the Jefferson Memorial there is a big event that takes place, after the event you are told to follow someone as they leave, once I follow them the game seems to load the next area however it just stops loading (the bottle cap/stopwatch towards the bottom just stops moving.) and I have no HDD activity so I have to hard boot the PS3 to exit the game.
I bought the game this month so it does have the newest patch installed and I am playing on a 60GB PS3.
Now I have lurked around these forums before I joined so I tried a lot of things already, just to name them:
- Loading from a previous save point.
- Turning auto-save off
- Signing out of PSN
- Creating a new save (with the auto-save feature turned off and not overwriting an older save)
- Deleting all of the older saves (except for the newly created save)
- Deleting the game data
- Completing (at the time) side quests that were in progress before I continued with the main quest
But I have not been able to get past this issue, I did notice that when I deleted the game data more bugs started showing up that was not present before my 27 hours of gameplay, for example:
Random Issues:Random freezing when fast traveling ? It's a 50/50 chance that I will make it to where I want to go by fast traveling other wise the bottle cap/stopwatch will just continue to rotate endlessly (the max I let it rotate was 15 minutes before hard booting)
Enemy blood continue to squirt in mid-air ? if I kill an enemy with a headshot, the body will drop but the "splashing" effect will continue to loop in the same exact place their head was, this has happened only with raiders it seems.
I would like to say that I have enjoyed this game very much and would hope there will be a patch to fix some of the issues a lot of users have had. Thanks!

I seem to have gotten passed my main problem on a whim. But now when I follow this person out of the Jefferson Memorial, this person needs to hack a computer to open a door, but after a couple of seconds I get kicked back out to the XMB. I only tried this once so will try again and see if it keeps happening or if it was a one time thing.