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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:58 am

I didn't get much free time to play only about a hour and a half or so.
1. while in the tech museum a charging super mutant got stuck in a uppercut pose for around 20 or more seconds he was moving/sliding while stuck in that pose following me if I moved back or to the side, ect. as thought it was still attempting a attack. he did return to his normal animations sometime before I killed it.

2.(forgot to put this in with yesterdays post) My bobby pin count becomes stuck on 10 when lock-picking if I have more then 10 if the ammount drops below ten it displays the right ammount left and will decrese accordingly so if i had ten and broke one it displays that I have 9 left and so forth like it should. This only happens while im lock-picking but my pip-boy and trading screens shows the correct number.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:24 am

1. I once again had the glitch in which the npc's lips don't move when their speaking this time it happened 4 times in a row one right after another, once at the shop in megaton creekside supply when talking to the owner, a caravan trader(weapons trader) outside of the town, the old man who takes care of the water purifier in megaton, and again with a diffrent caravan trader(the armor trader) that was outside megaton.

2. slight graphics hickups ans slight pauses while I was roaming the wasteland looking for the oasis in which as the background was being drawn in(which this shouldn't be happening if we had AA but whatever), Not a glitch but at leat see if that can't be fixed in a patch as well. in which there was slight studders and slight pauses and had only played for two hours when this was happening it was only lasted a few seconds and fortunatly ceased after hour three but still.

3. This is a problem that from my understanding alot of other players got, it's the random event in which a wastelander runs up to you and asks you to help them as they have a gernade in their pocket and then they just run off and then explode, I had this event at least three times and on two occasions I didn't even get a the option to chose to help or not instead they said their line and than ran.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:33 pm

PS3 40GB
Purchased FO3 29th Jan
Installed and played with patch first instance.
This is my first time playing

I have been hooked on FO3 since buying it, noticed absolutely no bugs until about level 13-14, that was around 30hrs into gameplay. (over 4 days)
Then the game started to do a few little split second screen freezes, not on anything in particular, but I'm thinking its when an enemy becomes visible or is randomly inserted. This only occurs wandering the wasteland. I put it down to the rendering of the massive background. But then this theory goes out the window when I got to the top of Tenpenny Tower, and there is absolutely no problem with rendering or freezing.

1. Noticed some debris floating above the floor level in various buildings, only a little above the floor, minor mapping errors, but it made the radroaches get stuck under it and unable to kill with a gun, only by an explosive weapon.

2. (Some) Robots once killed, vibrate annoyingly on the ground as if they are unable to find a spot to settle and die quietly. (This is only the robot type that is found in the Robco facility.)

3. (as Goodguy412 stated the same) Walking around the cliffs at Evergreen Mills, the game totally freezes. This has happened twice. (Will try going into the area from the correct entrance, not firing rockets at the raiders from the

4. When fighting near walls lined with debris against scorpians they have pushed me into the wall, and gotten stuck, manged to jump my way out of the wall twice, but another time, I did about ten jumps, and jumped so high up the wall of the building that I hurt myself when landing...LOL

5.I have gotten stuck a few times in crevices in rocky outcrops. (once after walking for ten minutes without saving and that pissed me off BIGTIME)

6.In the mission where you escort dad across the wasteland (the silly f*cker who runs in front and attacks everything) had to reload because he attacked a scorpian with his fists, and he got stuck in some small rocks and unable to push out. He was doing the runnning man on the spot, with his fists out and his teeth bared in anger (like when fighting) and would not move, I could still talk to him, but when talking to me his teeth were still bared whilst talking, like he was some crazed ghoul going to eat me.

POSITIVES (for me)
Apart from the abovementioned bugs

(I am now level 20)
I have had NO problems with PIPBOY, characters talking and interacting, NPC speech or sound with radio. No problems with hacking comps, picking locks or bobbypins
All characters are where they should be.
All the things I put into lockers in Megaton or boxes in the wastelands are always there when I return.
No weapon or VATS problems.

All in all I think I got it alright compared to some of the bugs you guys are having. Feel sorry for you. Hopefully I wont be back here with more bugs to report.
Feel free to add me to your PS3 friends list: Benji_p2000

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Marina Leigh
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:55 pm

I want to thank everyone who helped with the thread :)

Keep up the good fight! ;)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:18 am

I want to thank everyone who helped with the thread :)

Keep up the good fight! ;)

Eh it's no prob. just wish I was getting paid for play testing, just kidding lol

Anyway I know that finding real bugs(and not the 1 and a million long shot ones) and fixing them is hard and time consuming work as I use to do it myself but for bussiness before the company I worked for closed up shop and that is made harder when they just say "It don't work right fix it" don't tell you what the problems are, what they were doing when it happened, ect.

I know eslewhere I can be harsh on Bethesda but at least I make the effort to post any issues I come accross minor seeming or not here and try to go in as much detail as I can, which is not easy since I've been getting run ragged at work and when I play I often forget to take notes when I come accross a bug or glitch and then try to post it here from memory.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:20 am

surprise, surprise another three bugs to post. But still no major freeze, outside of that one way back when.

1. This like the other two was during my little trip into Roboco(or was it robco? anyhow) as I entered this one room infested with two mole rats and three radroaches the game autosaved and then started to do a major slow down, the first time I have noticed this happing in my game btw, so I fought my way through but even though I kilked everything thing in the room the game still chuged along at a ridiculasly low frame rate. This contuined till two rooms later and then ran as normal.

2. After activating the main control system activating the protectrons and not having a high enough computer skill to get them under control, I started to make and battle my way out when on more than one occasion the laser attacks of the protectrons actually passed through the wall that and they could see me through the wall, I also had a similar incident earlier at the libary with a raider who's bullets passed through the wall where I was from the next room where he was.

3. My robotic butler in my megaton house has been stuck at the top of the stairs for the last two weeks when he followed me and doesn't move around up there, I can interact with him but outside of that he just idely floats.

Edit: 4. I seem to be one of the few PS3 owners that still seem to care about this game or is still optimistic enougth to hope these issues will be resolved, And yet I feel more and more that optimism is slipping away and that Bethesda couldn't care less, so this maybe my last post.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:42 pm

1. This like the other two was during my little trip into Roboco(or was it robco? anyhow) as I entered this one room infested with two mole rats and three radroaches the game autosaved and then started to do a major slow down, the first time I have noticed this happing in my game btw, so I fought my way through but even though I kilked everything thing in the room the game still chuged along at a ridiculasly low frame rate. This contuined till two rooms later and then ran as normal.

That has happened in every single playthrough I've done. I think I've done this quest maybe 4 times due to crippling restart-itus, it also happens again should you return to Robco factory, though without the enemies it is less noticeable. I would check with someone on the other side of the fence to see if this particular weed exists in their garden, I think it may be a problem with that room or possibly the transition into it, which means it should effect all three platforms, if not then it's another PS3 specific issue.

Edit: 4. I seem to be one of the few PS3 owners that still seem to care about this game or is still optimistic enougth to hope these issues will be resolved, And yet I feel more and more that optimism is slipping away and that Bethesda couldn't care less, so this maybe my last post.

You are certainly not the only one that still cares but you seem to be one of the few that is optimistic that Bethesda will stop for a moment to come back and put right what they have done (or haven't done in some cases, cough-AA-cough) truth be told Bethesda's refusal to address or even comment on the PS3 issues (not the lack of DLC but the actual core game issues) only serve to disillusion the PS3 community and give them a negative view of Bethesda as a games developer I can only hope that every one of the million plus people worldwide who bought this rather disappointing title remember the name Bethesda Softworks when they see TES V appear on store shelves next year, maybe then Bethesda will learn to look at where it is going rather than where it is now.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:44 am

I just wandered into the PC fourms and saw that Gstaff had told them that he passed the Vats bug thread to the Dev. team, So this does this mean that Gstaff did the same for us?
When you get the chance let us know if you did It would mean alot.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:01 pm

I just wandered into the PC fourms and saw that Gstaff had told them that he passed the Vats bug thread to the Dev. team, So this does this mean that Gstaff did the same for us?
When you get the chance let us know if you did It would mean alot.

Just had a quick trip over there to see what VATs issue they are referring to, it seems that there has been some sort of accuracy adjustment, they're calling it a nerf, on VATs. Personally I would welcome such a change as once you have perma-95% chance to hit the game gets more than a little silly, but to each his own. I haven't noticed any change in VATs accuracy on the PS3 version so I think this may be a PC specific issue.

Like you however, I would be interested to know whether or not PS3 issues are still being submitted to the development team to be looked at, especially the major issues that have been reported like the frame rate and crashing issues.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:45 am

PS3 40GB
Purchased FO3 29th Jan
Installed and played with patch first instance.

NOTE: turned off all autosaves before playing.

Today was much better gaming with FO3 being stable 95% of the day.
Trekked alot of wasteland and made a few more location discoveries without a hitch. Stayed away from Evergreen Mills where last complete freeze occured

There were a few spots where frame rate dropped a little, but no split second freezes.
This instance played for 2hrs. then turned off machine for two hours.

Turned back on and played FO3 for 1hr without drama. Mixed up the games opting for GTA4 multiplayer for a 1hr

Turned off for ten minutes
Played FO3 for 3hrs and no problem at all trekking more wasteland. UNTIL trekking from Temple of the Union to Old Olney, had no probs with the goons at the Grisly Diner, but I encountered a deathclaw 100yards from the town that surprised me (and I think Charon even sh*t himself)
Clicked VATS to blow its head off with Abe's .44 cal Repeater, booked up two shots to the face at about 10yards and then BOOM. As soon as animation started and the first shot hit its face. TOTAL FREEZE. Didnt recover either.

So turned off for the night. The PS3 was not hot at all as It is standing alone and only a foot from the airconditioner.

So disapointing considering I have to trek all the way from temple of the Union again. This the third time now, cause Charon got stuck following me up the onramp to the highway cause he cant f*cking jump, so I pushed him off the edge of the bridge.
Needless to say BOS power armor does not come with pogo sticks built into the soles of the boots so he splattered nicely below.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:32 am

Looks like you had a good day for the most part Ben, a nice little session without any issues at all. Out of curiosity how many hours have you logged on this particular playthrough, my own tests have shown that until reaching about 20-25 hours the game is quite playable in terms of freezes, might have to start a poll to get a better picture of how playing time affects game performance.

That said though, the freezing seems to be so random (good days and bad days) that I have pretty much given up testing frame rates and freezing issues.

As for Charons unfortunate accident, even if you follower appears to get stuck I often find that they'll catch up with you later if you just leave them. Of course there's always the risk that they won't and you'll never be able to find them again.

One more to report. On my latest playthrough my henchman, Jericho in this case, is appearing ahead of my when entering a new area, I don't mean two or three feet in front like usual either, I enter Megaton and he runs up the hill from the crater to meet me, enter my house and he comes downstairs, it's very strange.

Unfortunately I decided yesterday that I can't be bothered to play an evil character properly and I rerolled my evil character as a power leveler so I can get my trophies and shelf the game until such a time that I feel it's worth the effort and time investment that is requires, which means either a patch to take the frustration out or DLC/expansion to put some new experiences in, at the moment, I'm extremely doubtful that we'll see either, but I'll hold an outside hope for now.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:42 pm

Like you however, I would be interested to know whether or not PS3 issues are still being submitted to the development team to be looked at, especially the major issues that have been reported like the frame rate and crashing issues.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were all being placed in file 13.

Anyways, here's a tiny tiny issue for the devs that, I imagine, could be easily fixed: Lucky Shades

In every new game I've played I could not get the lucky shades without sneaking and going into third person view while zoomed in all the way and hovering the cross hairs like mad around the mannequin base.
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:34 pm

Freezes Freezes Freezes...

in vats out of vats walking using pip boy ... you name it will freeze for me offline or on within 1 hour max 2....

it took me 8 attempts of the final mission to do it.. cause it just wouldnt allow me to go too long without a glitch lol
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:43 pm

Game freezes after headshots
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Matt Terry
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:34 pm

I wouldn't be surprised if they were all being placed in file 13.

Anyways, here's a tiny tiny issue for the devs that, I imagine, could be easily fixed: Lucky Shades

In every new game I've played I could not get the lucky shades without sneaking and going into third person view while zoomed in all the way and hovering the cross hairs like mad around the mannequin base.

Yeah I've know some PC gamers that are reporting having the same problem,(alot if not almost all of the same problems as us actualy), so thats another thing that Bethesda can't blame on PS3 hardware.(But i'm sure they'll try anyway)
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:35 am

The lucky shades issue is caused by a combination of non-hardware related factors.

1: someone at Bethesda thought it would be cool to place them on the actual mannequin
2: Havok physics is known to have these sorts of weird glitches if items aren't placed on a stable surface. Check out Paradise Falls, the first time you enter it rains skulls, I assume they're supposed to attached to that chain link fence, but it hasn't worked.
3: Lack of thorough playtesting failed to discover this issue prior to release, or if it was discovered it was deemed low priority and allowed to remain as is.

PC users have this one easy, they can either use console commands to give them the glasses or use the Bethesda Softworks Correction Kit (also known as the GECK) to move the glasses to the shelf where they're available for collection first time, every time.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:39 am

Yet another issue here to post:

Sometimes after selecting a weapon from the pip boy menu and then exiting back into the game the pip boy screen will stay up for a second or so with no letters, just a black screen (on the pipboy not the whole picture) before exiting properly.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:49 pm

Well I've had 5 freezes.. they always occur when I'm in the wastelands and doing nothing other than walking.. a soft rest is all that I've done to cure it. It's annoying. But last night I had this happen.. I went to Little Lamplight (man, I'd love to take a flamer to those annoying kids..) Anyway, I walking through LL and decided to check out the souvenirs.. when for no reason my PS3 completely reset itself, got a beep, black screen and went back to the XMB.. booted up FO3 again, reloaded my savegame - did exactly the same thing - one beep, black screen back to XMB.. Ok, third times' the charm I'm hoping.. re-boot, re-load but instead of moving.. I hit the wait button (I did it for 2hrs).. moved - no problem, went through LL after that and continued on my way. I just find it odd that in the 122hrs I've put into the game that I had 2 big resets in the space of 5mins. And those resets can't be too good for the PS3 either - but all seems well with mine, played without any other problems for 3hrs and I've watched 3 movies on my PS3 already today and again no problems.. Just one of those things I guess.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:04 am

I am Frozen for all Time in the Rotunda,whilst trying to enter the Gift Shop...the Icon for the Open Door Flashes up,the clock hand sweeps around three or four times then..WHAMMO..the whole thing freezes and the PS3 tries to swith itself off and reboot,which i have been informed is doing my Machine no good at all.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:09 am

I have only had a few problems with the game

1. after I updated to V1.1 my game saves stop saving either with auto save or manual save. when you press start the save icon is grey.

2. while in megaton I tried to convince the guy with the drug problem to stop it said I had a 100% chance but it failed me I reloaded my save file and tried again and it worked.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:10 pm

To the two posters who have had to reset their PS3s (or have their PS3 reset themselves) I can assure you that as long as the PS3 is reset properly (place your finger on the touch button until you hear the beep) then everything should be fine. It would take literally thousands if not more forced resets of the console while running to do any real damage to it. Flicking the switch at the back while it's running however, that'll do so bad much quicker, so don't ever do that if you can help it.

That beep is the key, as long as you get the beep everything has shut down safely prior to power down and nothing bad should happen, unless of course you were writing to the HDD at the time in which case you may get some file corruption, but other than that I've not heard of any issues stemming directly from a safe reset.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:18 am

To the two posters who have had to reset their PS3s (or have their PS3 reset themselves) I can assure you that as long as the PS3 is reset properly (place your finger on the touch button until you hear the beep) then everything should be fine. It would take literally thousands if not more forced resets of the console while running to do any real damage to it. Flicking the switch at the back while it's running however, that'll do so bad much quicker, so don't ever do that if you can help it.

That beep is the key, as long as you get the beep everything has shut down safely prior to power down and nothing bad should happen, unless of course you were writing to the HDD at the time in which case you may get some file corruption, but other than that I've not heard of any issues stemming directly from a safe reset.

With most people claiming their PS3's have died or stopped reading discs, I've found, it's usually the fact that they've used the switch on the back to power the system down. I never use that switch.
A software shutdown is always preferrable. Especially regarding the laser. If you cut the power while it's busy moving/reading, I'd assume it could seriously damage the system.

I've had plenty of freezes with Fallout on my PS3, but aside from some hefty cursing on my side for the wasted hours, it's always turned out fine (crosses fingers, knocks on wood)
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:04 am

I've had plenty of freezes with Fallout on my PS3, but aside from some hefty cursing on my side for the wasted hours, it's always turned out fine (crosses fingers, knocks on wood)

That's some good advice for anyone having crashing issues. Play Fallout 3, game crashes, shout out your favourite expletive at the top of your voice and then play a game that works for a while and return to Fallout later when you've calmed down a bit and feel up to it.
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:32 am

I guess I'll add my glitches here. Alot are similar to those already stated. I have a brand new (in November) 160 gb PS3, I thought I'd be set to play this game....
I have about 150 hours in a single game. I've had glitches from the beginning, but lately, the game has become unplayable and very unstable. Seems it got worse after I updated with the patch.
I now get Save freezes. I try to save the game and it just freezes before I can select Save.
If I try to fast travel somewhere, sometimes it just gets stuck on the loading screen with the little clock moving and the slides/hints continuing to flip on the screen.
When I 'wait', sometimes it gets stuck in the wait screen.
Randomly freezes in gameplay, mostly when entering VATS in the Wasteland in First Person. (Sometimes this corrects itself after a minute or so, the other freezes, it takes me shutting the PS3 down)
I am unable to complete the quest Tenpenny Tower because Gustavo the guard died and his body has disappeared and I can't find the key I need for the locked door.
There are also many other glitches in Tenpenny tower, when I enter a room, dead bodies fall to the floor randomly. Pretty odd, LOL. That kind of glitch I can live with, though.
The audio of the gatling guns in rooms where one isn't being used is very annoying.
I never even got to the radio station and it popped up on the screen that I had completed that part of the main quest (to find GNR), I was in a sewer at the time.
Several dialogue glitches, one in Rivet City where it would go through the NPC's words so fast, I couldn't read them and I did not have an option to reply.
Floating items above ground level, wierd string puppets(I call them) flopping through the air after you kill someone on a bridge or high up, stuck or hidden roaches in the floor that cause Fawkes or my current follower to fire non stop at the thing, yet never hit it.
The list goes on, I guess. I really didn't want to start a new game yet, I wanted to play this one out to see how far I could go with it, but I'm starting to think I should scrap everything, start over and see what happens.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:26 pm

@ Mirelurker

I feel your pain man, I have experienced quite a few of the glitches you posted, mainly the:

-Gatling Laser sound indoors glitch
-The "fast talk" glitch
-The weird string puppets (They kinda look like weird spider things, they are actually enemy corpses gone rouge lol.)
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