The block data window? You can't possibly have gotten stuck on that, if you looked around the various view menus and you'd have found it in about five seconds.
Modding is a creative hobby, you do have to be willing to show some initiative and inquisitiveness. If you can't find something, your first instinct should be to look.
Yes, the Block Data Window, there was no indication in the tutorial or mention of the "Block Data" window, or how to open it.
And yes, I experiment, I rarely if ever ask questions here because I figure things out for myself.
The block Data window was one of them, after about 6 hours of frustration.
Which could've been cut to ZERO, had the Tutorial Author not have ASSUMED that
everyone has been using NIFskope for months.
When I did the tutorial I was new to NifSkope, to Modding, to Retexturing, I was new to everything.
And this is the way Tutorials/Manuals MUST be written
Here's another good example of a poorly written tutorial.
There's a retexture Tutorial on the Oblivion WIKI, it even tells you to use BSA Commander,
however it tells you to extract
EVERY SINGLE Mesh and Texture, 3.6 gigs worth.
WHY? With BSA Commander you can pick and choose what to extract.
Now that person who is following the tutorial has probably accidentally overwritten every single mesh and texture he/she is using in mods
and that person also now has 3.6 of wasted hard drive space.
If you put a well written manual in front of me I could probably fix the Space Shuttle,
put a poorly written tutorial in front of me, said Space Shuttle would explode