A request for equal content

Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:15 am

I've played Fallout 3 on PC and PS3 and both Fallout 3 and New Vegas on Xbox 360. What is the only upper hand to playing on PC, the only alternative selling point? Console codes. The capability to shape and change our experience in the Wastelands as much as the compromise between our desires and our processors will allow. I would like to politely ask the great Bethesda creators to give Console Gamers the ability to enjoy our play time as much as a PC player, we have Chatpads and USB Keyboards, let us spawn armies of monsters to fight with our Wasteland Survival Skills. I would like to ask any of you who read this, and agree with this request, to reply and add your voice in this call for Console Commands to be written into future games released for all platforms, and if it's not an insurmountable task, add them to the existing games like Fallout: New Vegas and the like, in the form of an update, or a downloaded add-on in the marketplace. Thank you for your time.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:02 pm

I would be all for allowing it to be used by anyone and everyone, but unfortunately, and I believe this is the reason (someone correct me if I am wrong and/or speaking out of turn): The debug/developers console is blocked on consoles because the console companies block it. Either that, or the actual dev kit that New Vegas is ported with into the consoles doesn't allow for it when burned onto a disk or entered into a patch. Either way, its most likely disabled because the console companies disable it, not Bethesda AFAIK.
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:02 am

I don't really care, but I wouldn't mind it being included.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:03 am

This is an issue to take up with Microsoft and Sony the devs really have no say in it, to allow acess to certain features such as a dev kit you'd need more open consoles but the makers like to keep them closed its done mostly for security and anti pirating reasons. Besides the security issues involved I'm kinda doubting a dev kit would run on either console without some major reworking that would likely never be done. Really the amount of work involved would be ridiculous you'd need the console makers and devs to agree to some standards before you could even talk about anything else and I doubt you'd even get past that but say you did well then right off the bat you've got to set up a new QA system and test the dev kits making sure they work following the agreed standards while not comprising the console, and after that you'd probably be able to release it. Problem is no ones going to switch to some new arbitrary standard dev kit because thats really going to mess with them actually making the game certain things are done better certain ways especially with all of the different game engines out their you'd be tieing developers hands, at for what? Wheres the incentive to do this sure it'd be a neat feature but it wouldn't make them any money they might gain a few sales but it would be phrohibitavley expensive, and you end up with a dev kit with limited functionality that you'd do what with make your own mods because Microsoft and Sony aren't even willing to allow developers to port pc mods at this point even as dlc, so theres no way they just allow players to share mods freely. In the end I don't see it ever happening I think the best we'll get is ported mods as cheap dlc and even that looks far off if even possible.
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