i have ben looking at all the diffrent race ballance mods, but didnt find anything that " really suits me"
i want to play special Atronach and i have ben trying to make my own mod ,,, with no sucess..
in "my workd" an Atronach is a mana "void" that can drain mana from anything, and allmost never gets full, "just like all those alien movies where the light goes out and power is draind of an area,, well i want my Atronach to be the same just with mana

with full INT i want my Atronach to have MAX mana of about 10,000,, yes i know overpowered, then again,, he is hard to recharge.
so i was hoping a friendly modder would help me,, "or make the .esp file"
i know my request is probbaly overpowered,,,
is it posseble to make this
"major power Drain mana" Drains ALL target mana and transfer it to me, and do damage to the target 1:1 pr mana drained. 1 use pr day.
"lesser power Lesser drain" Drains 50% of target mana and transfer it to me, and do damage to target 1:1 pr mana drained 3 use pr day
"lesser power life burn" Convert all own health exept 1 to mana 1 health= 5 mana 1 use pr day
"lesser power drain power" drains charges from worn items "weapons, armor, rings" anything you can wear 1 charge=5 mana. "this power really make the Atronach a (mana sponge) that i want him to me draining power from his own items,, it posseble a power that can drain mana from all items over a large area would be great.
any help with this would be greatly apriciated.