Request for a mod I think could greatly benefit us all

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:41 am

I have an Idea for a mod that I think would be a very popular. It is based on two core problems.

  • Ok so as we all know 100% of the Fallout 3/NV/4 (and honestly even TES) community all have a serious case of in game hoarding disorder
  1. We all love to collect everything in the game. And baby dont we just love all the unique items. We never touch them, never use them, just keep them in the lockers and safes, right. Well as a fellow hoarder I am constantly plagued by the issue of quest rewards being unique and not being able to get both rewards. Friggin grinds mah gears bruh.
  2. Have you ever accidentally lost a unique? Weather accidentally dropping it somewhere or not realizing you just sold it in your haste to sell loot, or accidentally scrapping it, it always blows man. Like you earned that thing and now it's gone and you didnt even know it so you just went on your way not realizing that its gone, only to notice later and not be sure how many saves ago you last had it. I know I misplaced the silver sumbachine gun and now i cant find it.

?So what if there was a mod that could fix this issue?

What if there was a trader that you could buy unique items from after you've; completed the quest associated with them, killed the enemy carrying it, reached the cell it lies in, or even just picked them up. Perhaps the drawback to this is that the unique weapons/armor you buy from this trader are now worth 0 (or way more than they're worth) caps and cannot be used by settlers or companions?

Or there could be a special workstation where you can use ridiculous amounts of materials to build the items.
Personally the special workstation is my favorite idea because they can just make a recipe for all the weapons/apparel/aid/misc/junk/mods/ammo pretty much in the game. Personally idk why we cant build ammo in the first place it doesnt really make sense as it was a great feature in NV and i am having a hard time finding certain types of ammo.

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Genocidal Cry
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