Requesting help with NPC scripting

Post » Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:43 pm

What i need help with;

Script(s) necessary to trigger a battle between two factions, with bulk of each faction's NPC to fade out and respawn on death. Fight intended to go on to eternity. The trigger of the battle would be a lever in the fort (offering some variation in gameplay settings), triggering the battle would spawn an enemy faction that attacks the fort, and defenders naturally try to defend.

Why i need help;

As a keen 3D modeler i feel everything else is within my grasp, however i have no understanding of scripting in skyrim, and moreover no way of gaining the knowledge i feel i require. NPC spawning on death is present in several battles in Civil War arc, however i myself would have no idea what to look for in scripts or other files that would help me in this regard. I request some assistance, preferably via somebody offering to help create parts necessary or assist me in doing so. I have a good idea of exactly what i want, and moreover i'd be willing to negotiate this with whoever would be willing to provide assistance; need me to do the legwork, or want to be more involved, or just want full credit, that's all fine by me.

I've always intended to keep the scripting/language part of this mod as small and simplistic as possible, however it is still unattainable for me alone without any assistance from somebody experienced with these kinds of things, so i ask anyone for some help. Feel free to PM or just comment here, i can expand on my 'specific' requirements, or we can just discuss what is attainable.

Many thanks to anyone able to provide assistance.


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Anthony Santillan
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Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:42 am

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