Requiem - Companions Stat Problem

Post » Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:42 am

So I started using Requiem as well as a mod called Simple Multiple Followers and one of these (not sure which) allows you to check certain NPCs' best stats when you activate them. I noticed the two brothers in the Companions (Farkas and Vilkas, or something like that) have their stats reversed - the one that uses a 2-handed weapon has a high 1-handed stat, and the one that uses a 1-handed weapon has a high 2-handed stat. I believe this could be a fairly big issue considering the unleveled enemies and general difficulty of Requiem.

I'm not a modder whatsoever, but figured I'd post a head's up in case anyone wanted to make a patch to correct this.

Also, I'm guessing there is a possibility this issue could be a result of another mod I have installed. If so, please let me know and I will try to narrow down the culprit.

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