I'm running UFO 1.2j...
I had UFO loaded before Requiem when I hired Belrand, I noticed his name didn't show up in the MCM UFO menu, so I moved UFO to load after Requiem and tried again. His name still didn't show. I kept playing anyway, and tried to hire Marcurio later.... he takes the money, but then stays in the Bee and Barb. All his dialog except "What are you good at?" and "You know..." are gone, and "You know..." simply leads to "Never mind".
I looked at "show playerfollowercount" in the console before and after trying to hire Marcurio, it says 1 both times... so he isn't even registering as a follower.
I fired Belrand, then immediately re-hired him. Now he DOES show up in the MCM UFO menu, but I still can't hire Marcurio. (These are my 2 favorite followers, so I'm sad... very sad.)
I'm still in Riften right now, but as soon as I get back in the game, I'll go somewhere and try to hire someone else. I'll report the results...
I've posted my question on both the UFO and Requiem mod pages on the Nexus... I'll post any solution I get (if any) from there here.