health, magicka, stamina are not attributes.
While I do not enjoy responding to rote repetition of already discredited talking points this issue is interesting enough to clear the cobwebs, imo.
Response: Attaching attribute effects to the health bars is not keeping attributes. qed. Please don't bother with another pointless repetition. It really does get tiresome.
Todd Howard and Pete Hines have repeatedly referred to Health, Magicka, and Stamina as
attributes. Whether or not 'attributes' is the best label for H/M/S, while interesting, is an academic discussion. Unless and until game-play proves them wrong, characterizing the game creators' descriptions as 'discredited' is like [relieving yourself] in the wind. While we can reasonably expect significant continuity between Elder Scrolls games, when the creators say something has changed, then something has changed.
Perks replace attributes.
It is impossible for it to be this simple. In addition, this conclusion requires quite a leap because, to the best of my knowledge, it has not been explicitly stated. Rather, it has been said that attribute effects have been folded into the perks and 3 attributes. Almost everything I've heard has been ambiguous. That is, there are a number of ways the descriptions given thus far could actually be manifest in the game. But we do know that all the perks available at level-up are associated with skills, and some require a minimum level of their associated skill. My understanding is that perks will include, but not be limited to, effects that used to be derived, at least in part, from attributes. Blade damage would be an example.
So - simple question. How do I make a fast character?
1. I raise the speed attribute ... which is no longer there
2. I choose a perk that makes me faster - in which case perks are substitutes for attributes
3. I don't - in which case every character is the same speed, and that would really svck.
If 1 is true, and Bethesda is not stupid enough to do 3, then that leaves either 2 or something else that we don't yet know about. Maybe extrapolating speed from stamina (which doesn't really make much sense since they are very different). Or something else. or bethesda really is that willing to neuter the game. We'll see.
- This much is settled, though the extent to which attributes remain in 'hidden' form does leave some uncertainty.
- But, even in this case (in addition to #3), what is your starting speed? Also, with what skill could a 'speed boost' perk be associated?
- Not necessarily. Even if speed (or encumbrance for that matter) doesn't change, there may be a racial distinction. Though, no more distinction than that would be weak in my opinion.
I'm eager to know as well.
I've already likened attribute-less Skyrim to Legend of Zelda, though I was being facetious. I remain hopeful and filled with antici....