Ok It's driving me crazy..lol
What I am trying to do is I have a spell that the player will cast upon an npc.
this will add a potion and a ring to the target
the ring has a script upon it that i am trying to add packages to the npc so that it will force the npc to go find more of the potions,
and when the potions are found they will drink them
here is my script that is on the unplayable ring (token?)
Please help me figure this out, thanks
(I am basically wanting to make the targeted npc become skooma addicts or similate that by making them always go find and drink skooma. This way you can pick and choose who is an addict.
scn Wmaddict2token
short WMBravilSkoomaAddictSeek
short WMTestDrinkSkooma
Begin GameMode
if GetItemCount PotionSkooma1 == 0
addScriptPackage WMBravilSkoomaAddictSeek
set WMBravilSkoomaAddictSeek to 1
Begin GameMode
if GetItemCount PotionSkooma1 >= 1
set WMBravilSkoomaAddictSeek to 0
removeScriptPackage WMBravilSkoomaAddictSeek
addscriptpackage WMTestDrinkSkooma