This is awesome info, thanks very much!
I have previously installed some 4k (4096x4096) texture packs for Oblivion and I still get decent frame rates.
if my display is only 1920x1080, does this mean I should replace these with a different texture pack (such as 1024x1024 or 2096x2096) in order to maximize fps? (or am I misunderstanding how this works?)
They currently look much, much better than the default Oblivion textures, but I'm not sure how the texture pack resolution correlates to the resolution of your display.
No texture resolution doesn't have something to do with screen resolution.

Everything at a 3d world is made up by a mesh (a 3d model that takes space in the world) and then textures are applied to it.
A 3d mesh looks like that:
After there is a geometry for something,we then have to apply an image as a texture up on that geometry.
Textures are actual image files like .jpg that we stretch and stick up on meshes.
The "texture resolution" is the resolution that the image we use as a texture has when it's not stretched and sticked up on a 3d mesh.
Higher resolution in textures means more detail and thus meshes dressed with higher resolution images look more realistic.
But the only difference a 512x512 texture with a 1024x1024 texture has when applied up on a mesh is the level of detail you can see up on that 3d model.
No matter if you are playing a game at 1024x768 monitor resolution or 1928x1080 the detail each texture has will be the same,so the resolution of the textures with the resolution of your monitor doesn't have to do that much.
Bigger monitor resolution eliminates the jagged edges so things that are supposed to be round look more round than made out of small squares,and lets you see more of the things happening,which is also why everything at your desktop screen looks smaller the higher your monitor's resolution is.