Cars are apparently Fusion Powered, which I'm assuming is either Plasma or Radiation?
Their Paint and components would need Oil to produce in the first place, but again, this wouldn't be enough to take all the worlds' oil.
Was never used for Domestic or industrial use before the 60's. Most things were packaged with Cardboard or Metal.
Hardly requires any amount of Oil to produce, however the amount of Metal demanded would have been substantial.
Clear Glass, that we use for Windows etc. does require Oil to make, but uses Sand also.
Would have used oil for Machinery, and factories were a very common workplace in the 50s. (As they are today.)
However, is the classic American lifestyle maintained its' "Perfect Family" look, (E.G. 2+ kids) Then the population would be very low, not nearly as high as it is today. Therefore Factories and other industrial plants would still exist, but not nearly as many would be used as they are today. This applies to everything in the Fallout Universe.
Miscellaneous Transport
Boats, Planes and Trains. Again, these would require a lot of Metal and Paint, but there wouldn't be as many Boats, Planes or Trains in the Fallout Universe as there are in ours.
Guns, Missiles, Tanks and Armour, these would all have required Oil to produce. Military in the Fallout Universe would have been greatly improved during O:A (Which I don't have yet. :confused: ) This would require a lot of Oil, but again, not nearly enough to use up all the worlds' rescources.
The Metal for the Nukes would require Oil, and whatever expolisve inside would require some sort of Crude Oil ignition. A lot of Nukes were made during the 50s Atomic era, and most still exist today.
It's safe to assume that Vaults are made out of Metal, but most buildings would usually require the same amount. Vaults are quite large, but again, Metal doesn't require much Oil to make.
Feel free to post what you think would fall into the "Other" catagory, I will add suitable options. Try to keep them Oil-Related.


Is Aweshum :3
Ok guys, DISCUSS! :thumbsup: