Whilst that is a good point, we shouldn't have to though should we? Don't get me wrong on this I enjoy Skyrim very much and I can understand all the work that has gone into it etc, but there is too many bugs in it, I expected the game to be 'polished' when it was released, not buggy and quest breaking.
I totally agree with you on that. What happens sometimes is the hardware whether it's your PC, X-box or PS3 gets hung up on a process and can break things or make it not respond. That is going to happen sometimes and there is nothing Bethesda can do about that. Hardware has problems from time to time. From my what I've seen so far with Skyrim is it's less buggy than Oblivion. So far I only have to things I can't complete. A bounty to turn in since it won't tell me where to find the person. A better journal would solve this problem. I need to return a flute to a person at the bard collage. I have the flute I know who to return it to, but the option never comes up to return the flute. I don't know how many hours I have but I do know I've done over 50 misc quests with no problems. I have found that finding the helm for Whitehold I think is the town that you can do that quest over and over again. I have don it three times so far. Not a big deal since a I get 750 gold each time I do it.