Reserved Keyboard Controls For Actions That Are Not Listed!?

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:19 am

What exactly is the point of that !?

I use arrow keys for gaming and have been doing so for over 20 years.

I hate using WASD and will only use a pad for driving or platform games.

So i need my Numpad... but no! it's reserved for secret actions, actions that we will have to figure out or accidentally discover like i did when trying to reload my gun using Numpad 0.... but instead used the action "Quick Stimpack"

I don't understand why you would feel the need to reserve certain keys in any game? But to actually reserve them for actions that you have not listed, is totally baffling.

And why the Numpad? Like most games these days you have set the controls up for those who use WASD (damn you gaming laptops!), so why would you reserve keys on the other side of the keyboard?

Are purposely trying to frustrate people?

TAB is the back key, but no option for "Back" of course!

E is Take, R is Tranfser

I changed "Activate" from E to End, but in game E Takes and End opens my inventory !?

So to use keyboard controis which are comfortable to me, when using the arrow keys, every time i see the Back option i will have to go all the way over to Tab!

And as changing E to End did something wierd i will have to use E... so intuitive!

I guess if i change R which is also Reload, to something else... that won't Transfer anything !?

Thank you for taking the time to make the Fallout 4 PC control system, such a memorable failure :(

EDIT: For those of you who are still struggling to play this with the default keys, you may want to install this mod:

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An Lor
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:19 pm

Indeed... and what on earth is F12 reserved for?

In almost every game ever, I remap F11 as quicksave and F12 as quickload.

Fallout 4 won't let me use F12. Why not? It's a secret, apparently.

That said, I'm lovin' the game so far.

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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:01 pm


I have the same issue. Please fix it. Not everyone using wasd + f + space etc...

Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3 has no restrictions for key mapping. Please unlock all keys.


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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:10 pm

Seriously? I'm left-handed and can't use WASD at all. I need the mouse in my left hand to aim properly. I can't use the arrow keys with my right hand to move around?

This...this actually kind of ruined the game for me.

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Javier Borjas
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:08 pm

They bound the numpad to the 12 hotkeys, so that hotkeys are useable on 1-0, + and -, and as well as the numpad equivalent. The INS key is also reserved to which ever reason? While using numpad 1-9, + and - is good, I usually utilize the Numpad0 key as action key. I so much hope they allow us to rebind those keys with a D1 patch.

Please listen to us Beth...we need this fix urgent.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:46 pm

My complaint is the same as everyone else in this post. I use a left handed keyboard. I assign all my movement, action keys to the NumPad keys located on the left side of the keyboard. I use my right hand for holding the mouse. I can't use WASD to play any game. Bethesda what is your solution.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:58 pm

Default loot container is E, and R. That makes NO sense and is extremely inconsistent because when you walk up to a single item to pick it up, you use your activate key (mine is G). Please fix this Bethesda. I know it's a common problem for many games that port to console, but it is game breaking for many people who re-bind their keys.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:13 am

Mods. Mods are the solution. Of course.

I literally can't play the game until someone makes a mod to fix something that was never a problem before. Oh well.

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Sophie Miller
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:20 pm

Same here. I use a left-handed mouse. I've used the numpad forever for this kind of game. This needs to be fixed as it's killed the game experience for me.

I already filed a support ticket on bethesda's support page. I'd recommend others do the same.

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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:27 am

Okay, this is gonna sound bad, but please hear me out:

To my fellow left-handers out there. If you honestly cannot play with the way the keybindings are set, and you don't want to us a controller

Refund the game. At least for now.

As someone whose been on these forums for years, I'm almost certain that this WONT BE FIXED ANYTIME SOON. Remember Skyrim on the PS3? Remember all the bugs and overlooks that had to be fixed by unofficial patches? Remember when Bethesda just stopped patching Skyrim even though there were dozens of problems left?

Refund the game. No amount of polls or complaining on the forums will cause Bethesda to take action. Trust me. We've tried before.

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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:13 pm

Here's another one having big issues with the key rebinds. E to space is the biggie as Space now only pickup loose objects while E still have to be used to open containers and access crafting stations.

Also, long before WASD was the norm I started to use QWES. It fit's me better, and it's not easy to relearn 20 years later. However, during Workshop mode, since E and probably Q is used for other things I cannot strafe. Really really annying.

I had no issues in F3 or NV...

I cannot really immerse myself into the game and just enjoy it since I have to lookup on the Key popups every single time just to make sure I'm pressing the right thing this time ... there's no flow playing F4 =(

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:26 pm

I'm not a fan of Fallout games but I thought I'd try it as I am a fan of the Deusix franchise and this game falls in the genre. Returning it will be no problem for me. I picked it up with a gift card given as a gift. As the poster stated: Return it until...
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:36 am

There is a bit chaos with the key mappings.

There is no way to chage the 'E' or the 'TAB'. I use 'ENTER' to activate, but the game forceing me to use 'E' weird. I can pick up open items, with 'ENTER' but all contaniered items needs 'E' to get it.

It feel like console support only. Please support PC players, we are here, and still alive.

Bethesda please fix it. Fallout 3 and Vegas worked fine with free key mapping. Thank you!

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:05 am

New Vegas required a UI mod to remap a lot of the binds, and Skyrim had a bunch of permanent key binds that required a mod or a third-party program to alter. Personally, I think there should be an Advanced tab on the key remap menu that allows you to remap everything. That'd allow people who just want to play the game to customize most of the main functions, and those of us who really want to get under the hood to tinker to our heart's content.

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Jessica White
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:15 pm

You can add my voice of disapproval of the hardcoded keys.

I cannot manuver my player during "building mode" at all.

I have to set controls to default, pain in the [censored] build, set the controls back to the way I like them.

Come on Bethesda. We are not console players. We are PC players and FULLY MAPPABLE controls are the FIRST thing we expect.

Please fix ASAP.

Thank-you for you attention.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:32 pm

Add me to the list. I am a EDAS kind of guy (cannot fully extend my left middle finger, so I naturally use E and D for forward and back and A and S for strafing. This mapping hard code thing is really, really messing me up and taking away from my enjoyment of the game.

Please, fix this and allow us to freely remap keys.

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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:35 pm

Actually, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas had the same system, but since Beth has, in their infinite wisdom changed the container looting UI from using 'ACTIVATE' to first open the container and only then use 'E' to loot from it, they have now skipped the opening part to go directly to looting the container, live, so to speak, completely circumventing the container mechanic.

This means that I, who use 'E' to strafe right and is standing or moving across a container having contents, is activating the loot mechanic at the same time as I'm strafing right, interupting movement, preventing me from interacting with other parts of the environment until I have completed the loot process. Problem is, I use strafe around corners to engage and disengage enemies, and having a loot mechanic interupt you in the middle of that to pick up a clipboard from a cabinet is... well... frankly stupid beyond belief. How could any tripple A developer leave this rubbish design in for release. It's unfathomable!


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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:03 pm

I also can't play properly because of this. We need options to remap all the keys!

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Stacey Mason
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:52 pm

Well, this will be the first thing I'll have to fix before I can even start to play.

I hope someone figures it out soon, or Bethesda patches it.

"It just (doesn't) work."


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Toby Green
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:45 am

I will be spending the first few hours of my game time tomorrow trying to change this with 3rd party programs. :shakehead:

Bethesda even had extra time before release to fix this. Could the fix for this be in their first update that's coming or was that update already pushed out?

I just cannot see how they playtested this on a PC and someone did not notice the issues. I am worried that maybe they only test with "paddles" er.. I mean controllers.

I am serious, they do not hire a bunch of playtesters that sit in a room and recording notes as they play the game all day. The programmers do it themselves. I saw a video of them using xbox controllers in a segregated part of a large room, big screen tv, and if I remember a couch. It was kind of a living room replication. This was they said how they playtested themselves (Skyrim). Programming AND playtesting not separated team I would not be entirely surprised to find out they did not do a lot of playtesting on a keyboard at a desk.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:19 pm

Not sure if it can be repurposed to work with Fallout 4, but has a program under Optional Files that allows you to reprogram all of Skyrim's keybinds. Might be worth a look.

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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:25 pm

I'm not left hand, but I feel your pain. I'm a ESDF player, like many others out there. Its just the natural typing possition, and been using it forever. Why in the world did WASD become default I'll never understand. And why can't they have options in the controls, say an option to choose WASD or ESDF, or Arrow keys, or IKJL, or other popular options.

You would think that there would be at least one tester at Bethesda that noticed this issue, but no one did, its unreal. I would loose my job if if something like this got passed me at my job.

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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:27 pm

Really guys, I don't think this will be fixed by Bethesda. They don't have a track record of solving problems like this. If you can't play the game, refund it and wait for mods to fix this. That's the only solution I see.

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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:47 pm

I just don't understand why, you guys have been tormenting the lefties for years, I also have used a numpad since I was like 6. Now I have to wait weeks or at the very least an extended period of time, why do this? I thought there was no way it would be like this because FOVN and FO3 worked correctly. Whenever I got a new computer it took like an hour trying to remember how to get Skyrim to work right with the numpad.

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Robyn Lena
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:14 pm

Done, and done. I had to act fast... but... this is stupid, come on Beth! I waited years for this game, only to spend hours on fixing the mouse sensitivity bug you, for some reason RE-introduced, and now this.

Seven hour trying to fix the game, two hours of actual play, only to eventually refund. This is Kafkaesque!

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