Reset Perks Patch

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:24 pm

As a level 33 I have made the transition from being a 2-Handed Specialized blades-man to an archer and I would very, very much appreciate it if I was able to take the points that I had spent in the one-handed tree (as I don't need them anymore) and put them into a different tree. This would not take away from the experience of the game, rather it would assist the players in refining their unique play-styles and give them the option to change their mind. I am playing on console so I am unable to use console commands to add or remove perks.
If any person could possibly help in making this change I would appreciate it greatly.
Thoughts on this topic are also helpful from other players.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:02 pm

I wouldn't get your hopes up, if anything you might get it in a dlc.

Console patches arent for adding in more content, they are for fixing gameplay issues such as bugs and glitches, etc.
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..xX Vin Xx..
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