As far as I know and have researched there isnt a way to reset your perks on the consoles.... I REALLY think they should insert someone that can allow you to RESET YOUR PERKS! Like put an update for an NPC in Winterhold's Mage College in the courtyard or something. I would gladly pay for the update! Like 450 Microsoft points and then even make it to where I would have to pay the mage 1000 Gold or so everytime I want to do my perks. I just dont think its cool AT ALL that right now I am doing a Thief but if I would like to go Mage, I would want to be able to use the Mage Perks... I just dont want to have to play the WHOLE game over with a different Character just so that I can use all the good Mage Perks. Because lets be honest, the PC players get to do WHATEVER they want while us console players kind of get the shaft. Now I dont want to be able to cheat and get gold and whatever, cause honestly it ruins the game for me if I am able to cheat, hence why I REFUSE to buy games like these on PC because I WOULD cheat and then stop playing lol. ALL I want is the ability to reset my perks! That is it!! PLEASE! Lol! Thanks for listening to my "rant" lol.
Anyone AT Bethesda actually reads these?