Reseting Perks!

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:17 am

Hey everyone, first time posting, loving the forums!

As far as I know and have researched there isnt a way to reset your perks on the consoles.... I REALLY think they should insert someone that can allow you to RESET YOUR PERKS! Like put an update for an NPC in Winterhold's Mage College in the courtyard or something. I would gladly pay for the update! Like 450 Microsoft points and then even make it to where I would have to pay the mage 1000 Gold or so everytime I want to do my perks. I just dont think its cool AT ALL that right now I am doing a Thief but if I would like to go Mage, I would want to be able to use the Mage Perks... I just dont want to have to play the WHOLE game over with a different Character just so that I can use all the good Mage Perks. Because lets be honest, the PC players get to do WHATEVER they want while us console players kind of get the shaft. Now I dont want to be able to cheat and get gold and whatever, cause honestly it ruins the game for me if I am able to cheat, hence why I REFUSE to buy games like these on PC because I WOULD cheat and then stop playing lol. ALL I want is the ability to reset my perks! That is it!! PLEASE! Lol! Thanks for listening to my "rant" lol.

Anyone AT Bethesda actually reads these?
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Shae Munro
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:26 pm

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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:56 am

No. You aren't the only one wanting this and get this:

Choices have consequences. Just re-roll another character. If anyone could switch their entire character to something else on the fly, there is no point in the levelling system/mechanic and plethora of other things. I know it's singleplayer but this is a RPG and embrace the mentality you cannot have it all.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:32 am

There really isn't a level "cap" in the game. You will level up as you level all skills to 100, then you will be at the peak. If you want to roll some mage stuff, start using mage skills and level those up. With the various trainers around Skyrim, you can pay to train up until you reach 90 in the skill, then you're on your own. But if you're saying you didn't put enough points into the magicka section (as opposed to health or stamina) then you can do that as you level. Even while playing a mage, you should invest in the other two parts. Also, remember to go back and use the mage stone near Riverwood, so those skills level up faster. The only perk you must spend at the time is the main perk point (magicka, health or stamina), the actual choice for which tree to choose can wait and can be used later after holding onto as many as you like (at least on PC this is true, unsure about consoles). Just because you chose thief now does not mean you cannot change to mage, and then also to a warrior build if you want. All you need to do is level the skills. It's actually nice to be able to change like that and not have to be set to one thing. You're free to do what you want. Just be careful with your perk points, and do a little research as to what you deem is most important. Hope this helps you. :)
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Harry Leon
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:06 pm

No. You aren't the only one wanting this and get this:

Choices have consequences. Just re-roll another character. If anyone could switch their entire character to something else on the fly, there is no point in the levelling system/mechanic and plethora of other things. I know it's singleplayer but this is a RPG and embrace the mentality you cannot have it all.


Being able to just hit a 'redo' button would make your choices meaningless. I do think there is some validity in the claim that an ill-informed decision shouldn't gimp an entire character. That is, after all, why BGS removed the need formajor/minor skills. They could fix this by adding a few resets.

I still favor careful planning, however.
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:56 am

It's there so you can't be everything. You could just switch from warrior to mage whenever it suited you, and that wouldn't be fair. You make choices, that is how it is.
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:30 pm


Being able to just hit a 'redo' button would make your choices meaningless. I do think there is some validity in the claim that an ill-informed decision shouldn't gimp an entire character. That is, after all, why BGS removed the need formajor/minor skills. They could fix this by adding a few resets.

I still favor careful planning, however.

And how does that happen in this system? You build your character's skills as you go in Skyrim, each decision you make at level-up for which perk you want is a small decision, and you power comes from the large amount of small decisions you make across the course of the game.

Think you made a mistake? Put your remaining perk points elsewhere. The game gives you a chance at the beginning to experiment and figure out what is best for you. Just play as you want to play, and your character's specialties will come out naturally. You don't need to force yourself anymore, you just ease yourself into your niche, and the game gives you plenty of time to go back and try again before you hit level 20 and are effectively committed to that character. Didn't take the chance? That's your fault.

Being able to reset your perk points really would dumb the game down. I mean seriously, you would never have to put any thought into your characters ever again because you could just push the reset button whenever you want. Bye bye uniqueness, bye bye specialties, bye bye roleplaying.

There should NEVER be an option to reset your character at the touch of a button in this series, no matter what the cost may be.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:23 pm

I get what you all are saying its just I dont have a LOT of time to make another character and I feel since they put in a brand new system like this, they should have put that in so we can test it and enjoy all of it since Skyrim can be VERY time consuming, make a WHOLE-nother character, leveling, exploring, questing.... Thats a lot of time! I know I can level EVERYTHING up to 100, but I am talking just about the perks themselves. I would like to experince it all. And you cant say it would be unreal or anything for that to be in the game... for two reason... theres magic, dragons, etc... and... its a game... Plus if it was a paid content upgrade, if you didnt want it in the game to be tempted with it, dont buy it, plus bethesda would make more money for the content, we all win. Cause the people on PC's can just reset and well... do anything! I dont want to "cheat" I just want to reset perks. I feel console users get screwed and the company that made the lube is Shards-O-Glass!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:01 pm

Everyone keeps saying they dont want this so you feel your deisions have weight and you cant do it all, but why not be able to do it ONCE? Cuz early in-game I put like 3 points into destruction and I'm a full warrior, so they are useless to me. So just being able to reset a few one time would be really nice.
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:48 am

I believe you should be able to take back your most recent perk choice, but that should be the limit. As it is, people just save before they get it and roll back to that point if they don't like it, anyway.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:02 pm

people also DO need to realize that I only get to play for a bit a day, not ALL of us play every waking moment, some have lives....
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Kat Ives
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:18 am


Being able to just hit a 'redo' button would make your choices meaningless. I do think there is some validity in the claim that an ill-informed decision shouldn't gimp an entire character. That is, after all, why BGS removed the need formajor/minor skills. They could fix this by adding a few resets.

I still favor careful planning, however.

Not to mention that you can save up your perks in case you aren't sure or wanting to use it when another level requirement has been reached. Meaning that even the slightest plea of a "perk reset' is met with a stubborn "No" from my part. Nobody forces you to choose one perk/tree right away.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:29 pm

You could just switch from warrior to mage whenever it suited you, and that wouldn't be fair.

No. No, you could not.

Stop with this garbage.

Your warrior has how high a destruction skill level?
Your warrior has how much mage suitable equipment?
Your warrior has leaned how many mage spells?
Your warrior has how much magicka?
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:51 am

It's not a bad idea for a LIMITED number of perks, to save you from a reroll from Char 1 if you chose something rubbish. Maybe to remove a max of 4 or 5 perks as a one time thing would be nice.
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:05 am

The arguments are moot.

This is one of the first things likely to be made when the CK is released. Hold out until then, or help yourself to the consoles.

What you 'should' and 'should not' be able to do is entirely subjective in a single player game, so climb down off of those high-horses. ^_^
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Helen Quill
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:09 pm

It's not a bad idea for a LIMITED number of perks, to save you from a reroll from Char 1 if you chose something rubbish. Maybe to remove a max of 4 or 5 perks as a one time thing would be nice.

I think even being able to move them within the same tree/grouping (i.e. the same groupings the standing stones at the start use) would probably keep a bunch of people happy.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:45 pm

people also DO need to realize that I only get to play for a bit a day, not ALL of us play every waking moment, some have lives....

Haven't seen someone troll their own thread before - fascinating!

And yea, as said, the solution on console is to have a bunch of saves and then branch as desired; or play the thing more than once (I know, in this day and age, to replay a game?! Crazy.)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:51 am

Too many sentimental RPGers.

To the OP:

There is no game mechanic that allows it. Currently there are some mods that attempt at what you desire but I personally don't recommend any of them. You'll have to wait for a CK mod or just re-roll. Believe it or not a re-roll can zip through the game a lot faster because you spend less time exploring areas you've already conquered on a previous character. As long as your memory is good about where certain desirable items and quests were it shouldn't like too much of a chore.

There are also console commands for unlocking perks you want for free. You could also just level your character up quicker through console commands and earning new perk points that way. So you have some options. None of them are great. Not yet at least.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:10 am

Im curious what mod had the balls to delete my post w/o reason.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:47 am

Too many sentimental RPGers.

To the OP:

There is no game mechanic that allows it. Currently there are some mods that attempt at what you desire but I personally don't recommend any of them. You'll have to wait for a CK mod or just re-roll. Believe it or not a re-roll can zip through the game a lot faster because you spend less time exploring areas you've already conquered on a previous character. As long as your memory is good about where certain desirable items and quests were it shouldn't like too much of a chore.

There are also console commands for unlocking perks you want for free. You could also just level your character up quicker through console commands and earning new perk points that way. So you have some options. None of them are great. Not yet at least.

He is a console player - read.
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:41 am

No. No, you could not.

Stop with this garbage.

Your warrior has how high a destruction skill level?
Your warrior has how much mage suitable equipment?
Your warrior has leaned how many mage spells?
Your warrior has how much magicka?

Full all.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:09 am

It's there so you can't be everything. You could just switch from warrior to mage whenever it suited you, and that wouldn't be fair. You make choices, that is how it is.

As true as this may be, it's also the idea behind the ES series being so involving. You don't have a lot of time to play, therefore you will get a ton of time out of the game. That is the whole idea, that there's no large amounts of 'quick winning' in Skyrim.

This is not your typical RPG, you can play by the games rules and have a multi-talented character, or you can play by your own and specialize but this requires time and effort because it's not the designed nature of the game. Oblivion required you to make a new character if you wanted to specialize, why shouldn't Skyrim?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:44 am

Everyone keeps saying they dont want this so you feel your deisions have weight and you cant do it all, but why not be able to do it ONCE? Cuz early in-game I put like 3 points into destruction and I'm a full warrior, so they are useless to me. So just being able to reset a few one time would be really nice.

The first point in Destruction says: "Novice Destruction. Cast Novice level Destruction spells for half magicka."

And yet, playing a warrior, you decided to put two more points in Destruction?

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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:52 am

Since it can be abused I'm against it.
Besides, it's an RPG, deal with your mistakes.
And if you want to try out a different type of character then start a new one.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:45 am

WOW adding in an option to reset perks in a single player game ruins someone elses gaming experience?

Just when I thought the internet couldnt suprise me.
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