Resetting my NPCs, whhhyyyy?

Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:34 am


So I have a few NPC in a custom cell. Everything is cool and smooth, they are linked to furnitures (invisible chair, wall lean marker and chair) and all of a sudden boom bam ! They're all stand up, don't care anymore for their original position or target. Why is this happening ? This is not a reset because not enough time has passed. I don't understand ; it's another caprice of the Creation Kit! And I even have a NPC who is supposed to have a package and an Activate() function to force him to stay on his ***** chair, but no, he likes to be up and use his legs.

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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:15 am

I'm also interested in this, i have some scenes that get jumbled b/c the guy is sitting down on a chair when he's supposed to be standing up and rdy to force greet. I have marked all the furniture as unusable. but he still likes to sit in it.

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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:17 am

Yep, reset is really underestimated in scripting/modding. It's really hard to deal with this. It's even the core of updating mods and the reason why some mods require a clean install. That would be simple to forbid a cell to reset, but it's not possible.

There should be a tutorial about this ; how to update a mod, how to keep variables in a quest... because even a bool, if it's not in a quest, is reset every X game-days.

Anyway, I'm not sure my problem is related to that. Even when I reset my ObjectReference, that doesn't change a thing.

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:24 am

The only time I have encountered NPC's on mass not doing what they are supposed to was when someone (not me) deleted the entire cell navmesh.

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Post » Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:30 pm

That's not the problem here. When navmesh is not present, NPCs don't appear and fall in the ground eternally. Besides, I checked my navmeshes and everything is good.

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Greg Swan
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:10 am

I'm actually thinking about deleting the navmesh, before i put the navmesh in, dude was doing his job of standing there. Now he's all over the tiny room.

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JD bernal
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:53 am

The solution I found so far is to Reset() my NPCs and give them an AI package that force them to sit at the desired target. I only encountered this problem once, so I made an option to do that (I could also do this when the player loads the game).

But I'm quite sure the problem is not coming from the automatic reset of the game. Anyway, if you don't want a cell to reset, don't forget that Encounter Zones have a No Reset option (and such zones can be applied individually on references).

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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:54 pm

Activate() does not guarantee in the slightest that your NPC will stay in the chair, only that he'll sit in it at least once. Making a Sit package centered on the chair with a tight radius (or pointing to the linkref'd furniture) should have solved it.

Also, marking furniture as unusable only affects whether the player can use it...

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Jon O
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:43 am

No. That's why it's a bug. I had one of the NPC with a SitTarget package and he bugged too, standing up like every others. With the Reset() however, everybody "sit" again, but it needs a package and a Reset(). (and they all have the target in linked ref)

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Amanda Furtado
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