Before I get ganked for asking a question I could easily ask on google (which I did), just hear me out a moment xD. I am already aware of the fact that you can respec in the Dragonborn dlc, but I don't want to play through the whole game just to make one tiny edit. I also am aware you need to reset perks via console in a certain order regarding perks that have more than one level. Take Armsman 1/2/3/4/5 for example. Anyways. In my sneak tree I have 3 points into Stealth, which is the first perk of that tree. I also have Muffled Movement, Backstab, and Deadly Aim. My question is, do I need to first remove the other perks in order to get back to Stealth, or can I simply take two out of the three perks from Stealth that I so far invested (so it is at 1/5) without removing the others? While I am at it, I need to remove the Stealth points in descending order, correct? i.e. removeperk (code for Stealth 3) then removeperk (code for Stealth 2). I just want to be careful and not botch anything in the game. I only wish to remove these points because anything past Stealth 1 is getting into diminishing returns. Thank you for all who decide to help in advance.