It would kind of kill any purpose to replaying the game.
I personally wouldn't want it for that reason. I'd rather be able to replay with a completely different style of gameplay.
No it wouldn't, I'll replay the game for the quests alone. If they're good that is.
Maybe but alot of ppl won't like it... I'd just not use it if u could and hope if you can it costs you some thing and has some in gamieness to it.
Well, it's a singleplayer game. So I don't see how they could ahve a problem with it. If they don't like it they won't use it.
Also, it wouldn't be that game changing. Seeing as the individual SKILL LEVEL is still unaltered. So, you will still be better at, for example, one handed weapons even if you reset your perks. So you can put those perks in a different one handed weapons tree. It would pretty much just change what weapon you're good at.
EDIT: unless you decide to put those perks in a different skill. But then you would have to level up that skill.
EDIT2: Oh, that would give us the ability to make demigod characters... Which is a bit wierd... Hmm, they would have to put some limit to it.