As a resident of a city currently in the path of the hurrica

Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:50 pm

... I would like to thank the creators of the Fallout series for mentally preparing me for living in the coming wasteland-to-be.

I've gone shopping today and brought my duck tape, my Purified Water (well, bottles of seltzer anyway - the other waste landers-to be bought out all the regular bottled water), my Nuka Cola (well, Diet Coke. You can't have everything.), my cans of Pork and Beans (er, vegetarian cilli beans?), my pinyon nuts (uh, you you believe raw cashew nuts?) , my Fission Batteries (ok, they're just Everyready) . I thought about laying my hands on a 9mm pistol, but we still have a police department that takes a dim view of such things.

Here's hoping I'm still standing when its over (let alone my apartment building), and still able to play Lonesome Road whenever it does come out. Seeing the cracks the min-earthquake put in the Washington Monument gave me such pleasant memories of playing fallout 3.

Ta ta for now. Time to duck tape those windows!
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:25 am

It's duct tape. Hurricanes can't happen in California as it is on the west coast, if a storm similar to that hit the area, I think it would be a typhoon or something. The divide is supposed to be Twisters more powerful than a hurrican in some ways, but mostly weaker.
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:02 pm

Thank God for the midwest (Indiana) but seriousley ,good luck guys
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JD bernal
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:24 am

Relax, its just a hurricane (I lived in North Carolina when a hurricane hit once and was unfortunate enough to be visiting my grandparents in Florida many years ago when a different hurricane hit) its not like everybody is laucnhing ICBMs at Ameria or anything.

All I have done to prepare is make sure my flashlight has new batteries.

EDIT- I'm in NY and I'm pretty sure I'm in its path.
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Saul C
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:54 am

It's duct tape. Hurricanes can't happen in California as it is on the west coast, if a storm similar to that hit the area, I think it would be a typhoon or something. The divide is supposed to be Twisters more powerful than a hurrican in some ways, but mostly weaker.

Also, to the OP: I've lived in south florida for some time now and seen more than my share of big damn hurricanes. Don't waste your time with taping the windows. You need something over the outside, at least plywood, or better, real hurricane shutters like most folks down here have. But at least plywood. And if you live in an apartment building, why aren't they doing something to protect the property? Call the building management and demand something over the windows.

-Gunny out.
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Anna S
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:56 am

Relax, its just a hurricane (I lived in North Carolina when a hurricane hit once and was unfortunate enough to be visiting my grandparents in Florida many years ago when a different hurricane hit) its not like everybody is laucnhing ICBMs at Ameria or anything.

All I have done to prepare is make sure my flashlight has new batteries.

EDIT- I'm in NY and I'm pretty sure I'm in its path.

No, hurricane's are probally the most destructive storms there are. Easpecially with the size of this one. Katrina was only a category 2 when it hit New Orleans but its shear size just destroyed everything, also the city is below sea level... But the point is a category 2 put a city into ruins.

Brand names don't count, so duck duct tape is a no no.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:28 am

No, hurricane's are probally the most destructive storms there are. Easpecially with the size of this one. Katrina was only a category 2 when it hit St. Louis but its shear size just destroyed everything, also the city is below sea level... But the point is a category 2 put a city into ruins.

Brand names don't count, so duck duct tape is a no no.

I think you have your cities mixed up, did you mean New Orleans? Also, I agree about the duct tape, duck brand duct tape is still duct tape.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:11 pm

I think you have your cities mixed up, did you mean New Orleans? Also, I agree about the duct tape, duck brand duct tape is still duct tape.

Wow, I don't know why I said St. Louis...
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:34 am

No, hurricane's are probally the most destructive storms there are. Easpecially with the size of this one. Katrina was only a category 2 when it hit St. Louis New Orleans but its shear size just destroyed everything, also the city is below sea level... But the point is a category 2 put a city into ruins.

Actually New Orleans only flooded due to how its under sea level and the dams overflowed, Katrina itself did little to no damage.

Hurricanes are rated 1-5, with 5 being the strongest, and this is just a two.

I just looked it up, there will most likely be wind up to 100mph but its not much compared to the rest of the chart.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:05 pm

Wow, I don't know why I said St. Louis...

Just one of those wierd mistakes, I get them all the time when I write essays.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:38 am

North Texas never gets any serious storms like hurricanes. We do, however, have triple digit temperature outside at the moment.

Oh! Maybe I should prepare for a post-baked-alive-under-the-sun apocalypse?
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:25 am

I guess we will have to see how many lose power, houses flood, and other destruction it puts on most of the east coast.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:01 pm

North Texas never gets any serious storms like hurricanes. We do, however, have triple digit temperature outside at the moment.

Oh! Maybe I should prepare for a post-baked-alive-under-the-sun apocalypse?

I feel bad for anyone that doesn't have A.C there :flamed:
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:29 am

Actually New Orleans only flooded due to how its under sea level and the dams overflowed, Katrina itself did little to no damage.

Hurricanes are rated 1-5, with 5 being the strongest, and this is just a two.

I just looked it up, there will most likely be wind up to 100mph but its not much compared to the rest of the chart.

Anybody read this?
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Sam Parker
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:40 am

Actually New Orleans only flooded due to how its under sea level and the dams overflowed, Katrina itself did little to no damage.

Hurricanes are rated 1-5, with 5 being the strongest, and this is just a two.

I just looked it up, there will most likely be wind up to 100mph but its not much compared to the rest of the chart.

I remember sitting outside during one a few years back that was a 2. Didn't seem too bad. I was smoking a stogie on the front porch and the wind was coming from the back of the house, so I was alee and relatively safe. That is until I saw something fly over the house. Pretty big, too. Then another. What the hell was that? A chunk of aluminum? Then another. Then finally, a whole section of the screen enclosure from over my pool flew over the house and down the street. OK. Put out the cigar and go back inside now...........Lost the entire enclosure. Had to fish most of it out of the pool but there was a bunch that flew off down the street to who the hell knows where. Don't mess with hurricanes.

-Gunny out.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:49 am

I feel bad for anyone that doesn't have A.C there :flamed:

Anyone who doesn't have AC here is dead already.
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:52 pm

... I would like to thank the creators of the Fallout series for mentally preparing me for living in the coming wasteland-to-be.

I've gone shopping today and brought my duck tape, my Purified Water (well, bottles of seltzer anyway - the other waste landers-to be bought out all the regular bottled water), my Nuka Cola (well, Diet Coke. You can't have everything.), my cans of Pork and Beans (er, vegetarian cilli beans?), my pinyon nuts (uh, you you believe raw cashew nuts?) , my Fission Batteries (ok, they're just Everyready) . I thought about laying my hands on a 9mm pistol, but we still have a police department that takes a dim view of such things.

Here's hoping I'm still standing when its over (let alone my apartment building), and still able to play Lonesome Road whenever it does come out. Seeing the cracks the min-earthquake put in the Washington Monument gave me such pleasant memories of playing fallout 3.

Ta ta for now. Time to duck tape those windows!

Ya then the inevitable super mutant uprising... those things always happen after Hurricanes. thx Fallout :thumbsup:
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:50 pm

I remember sitting outside during one a few years back that was a 2. Didn't seem too bad. I was smoking a stogie on the front porch and the wind was coming from the back of the house, so I was alee and relatively safe. That is until I saw something fly over the house. Pretty big, too. Then another. What the hell was that? A chunk of aluminum? Then another. Then finally, a whole section of the screen enclosure from over my pool flew over the house and down the street. OK. Put out the cigar and go back inside now...........Lost the entire enclosure. Had to fish most of it out of the pool but there was a bunch that flew off down the street to who the hell knows where. Don't mess with hurricanes.

-Gunny out.

Well that's different, my grandma lost the screen enclosure on her pool in Florida, it was a 1.

And I was just pointing out how a 2 couldn't put a city into ruins unless helped by another force (dams and being bellow sea level).
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:37 pm

Don't waste your time with taping the windows. You need something over the outside, at least plywood, or better, real hurricane shutters like most folks down here have. But at least plywood. And if you live in an apartment building, why aren't they doing something to protect the property? Call the building management and demand something over the windows.

I'm ducting the windows not to prevent their breakage but to limit the amount flying glass should a 95 mph projectile hit them. Shutters and coverings have flown off the shelves at Home Depot already and are hard to come by. The apartment management is doing what it can, but even its maintenance people have their own properties to look after. Nobody really realized we had a major problem until about last night or so. And there's a lot of people that are either too worried or not worried enough. Conflicting information. And Its a lot of work to do on short notice. I'm on the second floor so there's not a lot I can do about the outside of the windows. But now I"m thinking about it, I think I might be able to take the doors on my closets off their hinges and place them against the sidling glass door off my dinning room, and maybe diagonally behind the bay window. And to think I originally bought this place because it seems so "airy." I'm going to get more "air" in one night then I"ll ever want to have for the rest of my life. Thanks for your concerns, folks. Right neighborly of you.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:14 am

I remember sitting outside during one a few years back that was a 2. Didn't seem too bad. I was smoking a stogie on the front porch and the wind was coming from the back of the house, so I was alee and relatively safe. That is until I saw something fly over the house. Pretty big, too. Then another. What the hell was that? A chunk of aluminum? Then another. Then finally, a whole section of the screen enclosure from over my pool flew over the house and down the street. OK. Put out the cigar and go back inside now...........Lost the entire enclosure. Had to fish most of it out of the pool but there was a bunch that flew off down the street to who the hell knows where. Don't mess with hurricanes.

-Gunny out.

I remember a few years back a big hurrican, ivan I think was so large that it had a damaging effect on Ohio. I think hundreds of thousands were without power. A few branches fell off my tree in my yard, then all of a sudden half the tree fell down, some other guys whole tree barely missed his house. This wasn't even a tropical storm, just the last remnants of a hurricane.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:30 pm

If it ends really bad, I'm sure the American government will come to the rescue......

But I wish you luck mate, sure you'll be fine
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:48 pm

I remember a few years back a big hurrican, ivan I think was so large that it had a damaging effect on Ohio. I think hundreds of thousands were without power. A few branches fell off my tree in my yard, then all of a sudden half the tree fell down, some other guys whole tree barely missed his house. This wasn't even a tropical storm, just the last remnants of a hurricane.

I've been through too damn many of them I forget their names. But I remember the storms. The worst part is always the power outages. The last two I had come through I was without power for 10 days in August and them 14 days in October. October is still pretty damn hot down here, but the August one was brutal. I've got a generator, but it's not big enough to run the A/C. No power means no A/C, no hot water, no cooking unless you got a grill, everything in the fridge goes bad and lots of folks have medical needs that require power, like my son's asthma nebulizer. If you can leave, leave. Period. I always send my family away now when one's gonna hit. I gotta stay because of where I work, but I'm used to eating cold food out of a can. :hubbahubba:

-gunny out.
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rebecca moody
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:42 am

That is until I saw something fly over the house. Pretty big, too. Then another. What the hell was that? A chunk of aluminum? Then another.

Yeah, that's the thing around here. We haven't had real hurricane come through here in such a long time that many people don't realize how much damage a little object can do if its moving through the air at 95 mph. Rock-It Launcher anyone? We've got folks here who don't understand that they have to bring in their BBQ grills and iron lawn chairs. KA-CHING!
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:11 pm

I'm pretty sure they would still be hurricanes if they hit the west coast. They have them down by Mexico now and then on the Pacific ocean side. I think Typhoons are in Asia primarily.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:57 pm

I've been through too damn many of them I forget their names. But I remember the storms. The worst part is always the power outages. The last two I had come through I was without power for 10 days in August and them 14 days in October. October is still pretty damn hot down here, but the August one was brutal. I've got a generator, but it's not big enough to run the A/C. No power means no A/C, no hot water, no cooking unless you got a grill, everything in the fridge goes bad and lots of folks have medical needs that require power, like my son's asthma nebulizer. If you can leave, leave. Period. I always send my family away now when one's gonna hit. I gotta stay because of where I work, but I'm used to eating cold food out of a can. :hubbahubba:

-gunny out.

I had no power for a week, and that is really bad for Ohio. It was hot and boring all day, good thing 5 days was school. I have a gas oven so its all good for cooking for me.
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