Edit: Try to ignore the title of this mod... I gave it the wrong title earlier, and by the time I pressed enter the title wasn't the best it could be for this thread. :/ I'm 99% positive I can make it into a spell effect, if I can make a 50% resist normal weapons perk.
The question is, how do I make a perk that simply makes those it applies to take only HALF damage from steel/iron/imperial weapons? I want specifically half damage, cause in Morrowind vampires took half damage exactly from normal weapons.
Anyways, another thing I'm trying to do to improve this mod, is to make a resist normal weapons ability. I already know how to make a weakness to silver perk... Perhaps I can reverse engineer that for a resistance to normal weapons perk?
The good news is I think I can update my mod without any SCRIPT changes by simply adding the perk to the player via magical effect using the already existing addspell scripts I made... And that since the Morrowind vampire NPCs already have the perk simply changing what the perk does will fix the NPCs on it's own. The bad news... Is I'm not quite sure how to do this.
So under "Keywords" I see WeapMaterialSteel, and WeapMaterialIron- if I am not mistaken I can just go to the perk named "1ALectraVampsNerfbatRebalance", then go to perk entries-> Data 1 ->Attacker weapon->Keyword: "weapMaterialSilver"==1 AND...
And SIMPLY turn AND to OR, and replace WeapMaterrialSilver with both WeapMaterialIron and WeapMaterialSteel, THEN at Entry Point replace Mod Incoming Damage Function Multiply Value, with Function Negative Absolute Value with 50, and then "normal" weapons will only do half damage to characters with this perk in theory.Well that's what I'd do but when I do that, the number box disappears... So now I'm kinda stumped. (I'd also add WeapMaterialImperial in there for obvious reasons).
Here's a screenshot. http://i.imgur.com/AGfpmuL.png
If I turned the 5.00 into a 0.50 would that make the weapons actually do HALF as much damage, or would that still make them do more damage cause it's under function "Multiply value"? The question is HOW do I make a weakness from a weapon material turn into resistance? Specifically to get this to half damage?
I TRIED negative Absolute Value but then the 5.00 number that used to be there just disappears.
The other bad news is, apparently fists/unarmed damage has no key words so I can't make those do half damage, although on the upside, unarmed humanoid NPCs are very rare, and I can partially counter act that with something like 5-10% resist damage.
For the versions not meant to be combined with Better Vampires, I guess I could add 15% damage resist, and 20% damage resist for Quarra vampires, and for the versions combined with Better Vampires I could just make it where the Quarra get a flat 5% damage resist since Better Vampires can give 15% extra damage resist on it's own.
Perhaps that damage resist could partially make up for that? Although I still find it a little bit jarring that unarmed damage has no keywords attached to it.
(My mod in no way used ANY resources from Better Vampires, there's simply versions of it meant to synergize with it/be balanced/non overpowered if combined with it, cause it's one of the best vampire mods out there).
----- Possibly TLDR Info in green text below---
So, I'm doing yet ANOTHER massive update of one of my old mods, in particular the Morrowind Vampires one. Which includes altering the NPC vampires, so the super powerful ones won't be encountered near Whiterun, for example a bunch of rebalancing things for the NPC vampires that is far too long to get into here. Now only the weakest ones attack Skyrim, the average powered ones are at Xemorah Island, and the super powereful ones are only inside their respective dungeons.
Keep in mind "weakest ones" is a relative term, as for these vampires having 300 health, or doing close to 100 damage in a single hit is considered to be very very weak.
And this also includes updating the abilities themselves.
And the abilities themselves are going to be rebalanced, with the Berne getting better pickpocketing/sneaking, Aundae Focus Casting getting a buff, and the Quarra simply having more powerful melee in general than the Berne, because the stereotype that 1-hand weapons=stealthy and 2-hand weapons=non stealthy isn't always true, and Morrowind itself didn't separate 2 handed weapons from 1 handed weapons very much... It's all far too complicated to get into here.
(The name of that perk is a long story, it's a relic basically, of when my vampiric NPCs were so badly imbalanced that most players would have to use fire or silver weapons, just to be able to kill the weaker versions of these npcs, it's never seen in-game anyways, and simply changing it to a buff when that nerf's no longer needed is no big deal).
This version hasn't been released yet, but I expect to release it sometime by this month if not in a few weeks, I've been making the boss/elite vampires even more powerful, with even more gold on them for the challenge seekers out there, as well as toning down the ridiculous movement speed/health/damage/magicka/paralysis abilities of the weaker vampires).
FYI the new hierarchy will be like this. Taking for example, a Quarra Juggernaut.
Roaming Quarra Juggernaut, level 15, 317 health, 50 magicka, 51 one handed, 147 stamina
Quarra Juggernaut, level 20, 509 health, 50 magicka, 66 one handed, 164 stamina.
Elite Quarra Juggernaut, level 75, 1205 health, 50 magicka, 100 one handed, 347 stamina.
This mod used to be so badly imbalanced that NPCs nearly as powerful as the Elite Quarra Juggernaut would show up near Whiterun at night time... Including doing things like a 200 damage regular 1 handed attack on a character in orcish with the Lord sign for added armor. And the non-caster vampires would often have something like 11k magicka I'm not making this up, which was ridiculous even though I thought it was balanced at the time. I'm working on fixing all that right now, as my fingers ache in agony.
After quickly losing some subscribers to this mod, FOLLOWED shortly by getting one shot by a 200 damage 1 handed REGULAR attack from a vampire that's supposed to be fairly weak, it occured to me that I badly need to rebalance this mod I made so long ago, so that's what I'm doing.
The vampires that attack Skyrim will all be of the "Roaming" variety, so that they don't kill everything in vanilla (or modded) Skyrim, and so that the player doesn't have to use fire spells, or silver weapons just to have a realistic chance of surviving encounters with them.
The regular variety, will be encountered in Xemorah Island outside of their respective dungeons, but sewers will be added so that it's easier for non-combat specific, or low level characters to be able to get the blood potions, as well as travel to their respective vampire bases, on top of the fact, more sewers just make everything more interesting... And the Elite variety, will only be encountered inside of their own bases.
I kinda feel like I screwed over players who wanted to become a Morrowind vampire before they were level 50, or who didn't specialize in combat, or who just didn't have very high health. And it also didn't make sense to me that all of a sudden, every Quarra, Berne, or Aundae vampire was somehow a million times more powerful than pretty much Volkihar vampires- even a Volkihar player with endgame stats
Plus the massive weakness to fire and silver weapons bandaid fix I did... It caused skills to level way too fast. Consequently, this mod of mine is undergoing a lot of "surgery" at the moment. Causing mental fatigue, and hand aches, cause I've had to alter the stats of... Almost certainly hundreds of possibly close to 269 individual NPCs.
Other plans include taking Marksmanship bonuses away from the Berne, and replacing it with lockpicking+pickpocket bonuses, because the Berne clan never had Marksmanship bonuses in vanilla Morrowind, and afaik no vampires in the TES series have bonus archery abilities. As well as making the Berne poison a once a day power cause it seems OP having a spammable 600 damage low cast spell that gives nearly infinite stamina, even if it requires 120 seconds. In turn the poison would tick in 60 seconds to make up for this.
As well as RATHER than making the Quarra the 2 handed faction and Berne the 1 handed faction, INSTEAD just giving the Quarra more powerful melee abilities in general, while buffing Berne stealth slightly, and buffing Berne 2 hand abilities slightly, so they're equally as good with 2 handers as one handers.
Why? Because 1 handed weapon users aren't always stealthy, 2 handed weapon users aren't always brute force specialists who never sneak, and because in hindsight I think it was a bad idea to force Quarra players to commit to 2h and Berne players to commit to 1 handed weapons, ESPECIALLY considering that so many of the most lore friendly weapons for vampires are 1 handed weapons, and that so many in game vampires, as well as vampire players like 1 handed weapons so much.
While I think most players interested in such a mod, would like to be able to commit themselves permanently to one specific vampire clans abilities, I think the 2 hander vs 1 hander dichotomy was a bit too harsh, and didn't make enough sense.
The Quarra will have somewhat stronger melee bonuses in general... At the expense of weaker unarmed, less movement speed, and none of those stealth stats. And the Berne two handed stats will be just as strong as the one handed, albeit not nearly as strong as the Quarra bonuses.
And yes, the old versions of my mod will always be available on the Nexus for those who liked them. I'm planning on releasing four more versions.
The version that's meant to be combined with Better Vampires, the version for people without Dawnguard or without Better Vampires, and two more optional versions, where the vampires in their own respective bases won't respawn anymore, so the people who wanted to, can kill them to take their homes, as some players seemed to want that, so I'll make it optional.
Finally, I didn't know that eventually with Better Vampires that you could eventually get 15% damage resist. In HINDSIGHT it seems overpowered COMBINED with the 15% damage resist my mod brings.
So in the two new Better Vampires compatible versions, the 15% damage resist will be removed from the Aundae Berne and Quarra, and Quarra vampires will get an extra 5% damage resist, which will stack to a total of 20% damage resistance but that's it.
The Berne/Aundae won't get that 5% extra resist cause... They're supposed to be more fragile than the Quarra.
Anyways that's all... My wrists are already aching, and they're gonna be aching for quite a while after I fix up these new versions of this mod, though I'm sure it will be worth it.