still, the patern of the eyes really look like a spiderman thingy. i dont know why would they name it Eel, when they could just nime it "Spidey" (if they did that i would totally play with the sec.)
''The Eel'' becuase the whole uniform is a wetsuit for diving operations, I've seen it, and it looks kinda cool

Or well.. I have seen the pants (+shoes) and the undershirt, but there is a vest also.. That is probably what gives the hoodie, and then we have the facemask, that I want to see how it looks in-game
''The Spider'' would sound better than ''Spidey'' or ''The Spidey'' in my opinion

But I like The Eel! Best archetype out of all the Security ones, even beating the Good Cop o_o
EDIT: check it out for The Eel undershirt and pants, also see two colours of ''The Look'' jacket