» Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:49 pm
Let's assume that the rest of the world is gone, and that the Ark is all that's left. It doesn't have the space / ability to adequately take care of the "Founders" and the refugees who flocked to it after the flood. Somebody has to get shafted here. Sure, it'd be nice if everyone could put the "Well, I was here first!" blah blah, etc. etc. attitude away and share what they have equally, but Utopian ideas don't work in the best of times, they sound nice on paper but never survive once you add the human element in. So expecting everyone to play nice and leave their greediness at the door (Which we seem to teach our kids is a good thing, anyway.) after it's been ingrained in them... :shrug:
It's really an "Do the ends justify the means?" thing. And I think they do, (AFAIK) the "Founders" are the de facto leaders of the Ark, and leader's can't deal in ideals like the Resistance do. I feel like the Security looks at the bigger picture, extreme situations call for an extreme response. Sometimes, good people just need to be shot in the head. Again assuming that the Ark is the last bastion of humanity, it's more than just everyone being treated fairly and equally, it's the survival of our species. They can't let them go look for more people, because they need them to help keep the Ark afloat now. It's easy to say in my house, with lots of food to eat and things to drink, in my nice comfy chair, but I think they're doing the best they can with the situation they have.
But that's just the way I look at it. Would I feel the same if I was living in the slums in the Ark? Of course not, but that's because it'd be personal then. From here I can think about what both sides are doing without being emotionally involved. Instead of dealing with people, I can deal with numbers.