I bought Oblivion years ago just after it came out, but I've never managed to finish it. I've made numerous attempts. I don't recall what halted my early games, but I know what stymied my later efforts...I got svcked into the mods. Seeing all those amazing mods and how they enhanced or even redefined Oblivion made me question how I could ever play just a "vanilla" game.
The problem was that my mod-installing intentions got the best of me. I spent weeks pouring over "best mod" lists and learning the diverse and complex installation protocols, from Wyre Bash to Oblivion Mod Manager to Better Oblivion Sorting Software to FCOM Convergence. My folder of mods swelled to gigabytes. And it was all too much. Too much work. Too complex. And, most of all, too much time spent on installing mods when I should have been playing a game. Oh, not to mention the fact that when I finally got all the mods installed, my game ran — miraculously — but it was buggy and crashed often; not an experience one endures for long.
And so Oblivion sat on my shelf gathering dust. Tens of characters and adventures started, not one finished. Then, some time ago I picked up Fallout 3. And, though I was extremely wary of even perusing the community's mods given my Oblivion experience, I did take a peek at the time. Thankfully — probably because the game was relatively new — there were very few mods available at the time, and of those that were, none seemed essential. I also made a rule that I'd never managed to stick to in the past: no character restarts (a.k.a., "recreating"). So I played a vanilla Fallout 3 game, and I loved it. After many months of casual-yet-enjoyable play, I finished it last night with the very first character I "rolled up." And this, coupled with Skyrim's November release, made me think that I've got to return to Oblivion and actually complete it this time.
But, unlike Fallout 3 at the time I began, Oblivion now has thousands of mods of all stripes and colors. I refuse to fall into that trap of mod greed again...more, more, more. I'm just looking for those must-have mods that, by general consensus, the game really shouldn't be played without. That's where, hopefully, this thread and you come in. I need some cool-headed guidance to arrive at a fairly minimalist mod, stable game. This isn't to say I should sidestep an amazing community-crafted-adventure, but it is to say that I don't want to be loading tens of mods. A modest, balanced approach.
My primary interest are mods that substantially improve gameplay. Visual enhancements, a cornucopia of new armor and weapons sets, and other neat but ultimately superficial additions aren't my thing, unless we're talking massive, global improvements that are simple to implement. Mainly, I just want to make sure any frustrations of the original game are eliminated (where possible), things like game difficulty balance is optimized (I like a solid challenge and dislike becoming overpowered), and I don't miss any truly special community content (like a quest that absolutely demands to be played).
Ideas? Thoughts? Recommendations? Your input would be greatly appreciated. I'm really hoping that this post helps me avoid many hours of time spent not actually playing and lets me enjoy this clearly great game to the end, finally.
Thanks for reading.