Notice the tree and bush on the right. They look slightly muddled and fuzzy, and seem to have no depth:
Here's an Image in Sandbox 2:
And here's another image of Sandbox 2, but this time, I tried to make it look like Crysis 2.
All I had to do was fiddle with the DoF and boom, It looses it's sharpness. Notice though how the DoF hides some of the Aliasing, but at the same time also degrades your sense of depth and texture fidelity. (Look at the palm tree shafts) Could this be so they could "Fake" AA to improve visuals on consoles? This degradation of quality is almost negligible on a large screen with the initial frame being rendered at 1152x720, but when you use a PC monitor, it starts to become pretty noticeable for some.
(I'm not Anti-Console, just trying to work with what we've got)