Except, wouldn't it be cool if people in one village could be gossiping about something that happened in another? Or having residents in one being able to visit others? Or even having quests which can span more than one village without having to go into all sorts of arcane wizardry with OBSE to pull it off? Or even something as simple as presenting an illusion of trade. Slaughterfish surprise from Vergayun on someone's plate in Feldscar for instance.
Yep, I've been thinking about this too, and have been wondering if it's time to start cooking a common resource master file for all my village mods. Which then got me thinking in general. When is it time to seriously consider doing this in general? When did others who did this before realize it was time?
You might think I'd already know the answer to this since Open Cities uses just such a master file, and it handles the commonly used materials in all of the city modules for both OCC and OCR. Thing is, I'm not entirely sure it's time yet for the villages. There are overlaps, but there are also plenty of things unique to each. It may not look like time, but there's more in the works that get attention in the background, slowly, as ideas come.
So I guess the basic question is: How do you know when it's time to have your own common master resource pool?