» Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:26 am
What would be truly awesome to see is more dungeons that, at the end, when you killed the Main Boss, a new door out appeared just as the place was beginning to fall apart. Then a timer would appear for, say, 30 seconds. But you look around and notice that there like 200 items sitting around, and to look at them all would take 5 minutes at least. So you literally have to grab whatever treasure and loot you can grab in 30 seconds and then flee through the door or be caught in the rubble and die.
So that when the place collapses, you can't ever go back, but obviously you had to leave tons and tons of things behind, which makes you sorrowful and wonder (with great longing) what all was lost.
It would also be cool if you could claim a reward by the Historical Society of Skyrim (or some such name) for discovering a lost or hidden tomb. The Society could go back to your wrecked dungeon and send in some diggers and in a period of a week or so, dig out the treasure and give you 10% of it as a finder's fee. So that dungeons you finished might also be useful to you outside the dungeon, since you won't probably ever go back there anyway. The dungeons are then sealed off with special tape from the ruling power declaring it off limits. The door is sealed and you literally CAN'T go back to that dungeon, meaning no matter how cool it was, it was a one-time shot only. That way the dungeons will always just be a fond memory and not a reminder of something you already conquered.
It just makes sense that if there were treasure sitting in some dungeon, then the "State" itself would be interested in that treasure too, and that you could get a reward for the discovering and the reporting of it. And it would be nice to actually find some real treasure troves full of wealth even if you couldn't keep it all, just be nice to see those places in the game for once.
Another idea in this vein is that if they did create these "Treasure Trove" dungeon scenarios, then maybe it's an a known in game mechanic that says something like this: "You are an agent for the Kingdom. While exploring, if you find a Treasure Trove, you can only keep 4 items of your choice. The rest you must report. The State comes in, assesses the "find" and its Agents use a truth serum on you to ask how many items you took. If you report more than 4 items taken, you incur some appropriate penalty. After that, you are asked to leave the dungeon. Upon exiting the dungeon, you are given 10% of the total value of the remaining items and that dungeon is sealed by Order of the ____.
Could be a very cool way to handle dungeon adventures so you could actually feel like you were seeing the good treasure in these games like Indiana Jones etc....