Even though they aren't named, I don't have a problem with it. I like that they are able to respawn if you kill all the guards in town. Whether that is a problem for immersion, I don't care. But I'd like to see some stock NPC's in towns, taverns and other non-hostile oriented persons.
Actually this is kind of a minor issue. But if I go on a rampage in a town somewhere, I want the game to spawn replacement NPC's to repopulate the area. I don't mean bringing back NPC's that have died, but have system of auto-naming and creating NPC's that will "move in" when there are vacant buildings.
It would be nice to have a built-in name generator as well, for character creation as well as the auto-spawning of NPC's.
I think this might be cool in the context of the new economy dynamic hinted at by Beth. NPC's that are alive could migrate to other cities in the economy gets really bad (which would be a cool feature), and the number and types of NPC's spawned should reflect the local economy. I just hate seeing ghost towns.
So, tl;dr:
The local economy determines a population of equilibrium and influence NPC behavior. If economy is low compared to nearby regions, local NPC's will pack up and move to the more prosperous regions. If nearby regions are poor compared to the local economy, the opposite should occur. The NPC residents of the foreign regions should migrate to the local area.
If there are too few NPC's to actually simulate this kind of migration (say the PC went on a killing spree

I hope the point got across. What do ya think?