First of all, saying that demos shown at various expos are very buggy and unpolished because it's a late alpha build is not an excuse. It's a perfectly reasonable answer to the question as to why the Xbox demo version doesn't run to well. Also, what makes other people think that just because Xbox is the only system gameplay shown that PS3 is so much better? In my experience, all multiplatform games play the worst on PS3. Obviously it will run the best on PC, but that's because PC Hardware can be updated usually anually, while console generations last many years. Xbox hardware may be a little bit outdated, but look at the masterpieces that have been crafted upon it: Mass Effect series, Dragon Age: Origins, Oblivion, etc. The game looks fantastic so I don't know what all of you naysayers are worried about. If xbox users such as myself are that concerned about release-day bugs then install the game to your hard drive. Mr. Pete Hines' statements as well as Todd Howard's, two people who on a daily basis play the game and give presentations on the game and swears by their statements on the amazing graphics and abundance of things to do, should be held in a little higher regard then some annoyed blogger who played the game for twenty five minutes at PAX who claims graphics look old or there are framerate issues. (they haven't even optimized bug squashing yet so having less problems would be strange) One might reply to this and state that it's Pete Hines' job to market the game so it would be strange if he had anything but good things to say about the game. Well, that's true. Sure it's his job but you've seen the footage yourself, most people who have played the game have nothing but good things to say, so why would you doubt for even a second that he's telling the complete truth in his honest opinion? Come on haters and arguers, I can take you.