In response to Vsions reply to "Why do Elves look so der

Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:28 am

Alright, I started a thread this morning voicing my displeasure with the way the new elves were designed in a few sentences that were quickly slung at the forum, and it blew up into 11 pages including a dev response between then and me going out to lunch. Unfortunately the thread was closed down before I could respond to the dev myself, which is why I'm opening a new thread. Hopefully this will be slightly more constructive.

Here is what Vsions said:
Its all good,The truth is I expected some of you guys not to like it, but I also knew that most people would. I think that alot of the opinions on this thread are very valid. I also love Tolkieneske idea of elves as well. But we wanted a more rugged look for everything even as far as attractiveness is concerned. You can have and will find attractive people in the world. We werent focused on making "pretty" people. Ultimately though most people have responded positively to the changes. For those individuals out there that like a different look I am quite certain that mods will come out altering the elves to a more traditinal look fairly soon. That being said, to those of you that are not happy with the way they look, I dont think you are wrong honestly. Its different strokes for different folks and that is perfectly ok. To those saying that they were made weird for weirds sake, well thats just not true. Facial structure for a vast majority of VERY different looking individuals was looked at and informed the design. Also, as most of you can tell, the look of the races was for the most part very inspired by Morrowind. Ultimately though as an artist, I know very well that you just wont be able to please everyone, so we just do the best we can to please as many as we can, therefore it dost bother me too much if there are a few who dont agree with the look of some of the race.

First of all, I feel kind of bad to have illicited a dev response by writing something that was intentionally inflamatory, I feel like a troll in a suit right now.

What I would like to say in reply to this is though: I personally don't feel that "Tolkien Elves" and "Skyrim Elves" is a dichotomy. There are dozens of ways to put a unique spin on elves that are neither of the two. I can fully understand that they weren't meant to look like perfect, pretty humans, and the whole game has sort of a rough and gritty tone to it, which is something that people loved about Morrowind.
My main concern with the design for the Elves is not that they aren't pretty enough, it's that their features seem rough cut and brutish. Many people mentioned they were bothered by the large brow ridges on these designs, and I wholeheartedly agree, it simply makes them look like neanderthals, and in many regards makes them seem closer to orcs than humans. Their faces are also disproportionately long with the eyes often found above the middle of their head, which instantly makes them seem really disproportional. (Brink had very unique face designs for its characters that sort of suffered the same problem, realistic skin textures combined with exaturated features just look really surreal)
The thing I really don't get though is how they are inspired by Morrowind. I don't recognize the Morrowind influence at all.

These just don't seem to have any resemblance to these faces:

The golden skin seems gone and is now more of an olive, light brown tone. That was already removed in Oblivion for the most part - I personally thought that brought them much closer to being humans with pointy ears than anything. There are really heavy brow ridges on all the males, the fine noses are replaced with really wide ones for the most part. They have beards all the sudden. Also what I find kind of odd is that there seem to be different ethnicities of Altmer now. Also the eyes are now completely yellow, making them look like they have jaundice.

Honestly, I just don't see the resemblance to morrowind. In morrowind all the altmer faces looked regal. They weren't pretty per se, but they had this carved, surreal and haunting quality about them. Their faces seemed classic and timeless above all else, always a reminder of their long lives and even longer history.

I really like some of the older Elderscrolls artwork.
(These were in the pocket guide to Tamriel that came with the Oblivion collectors edition I think, though the artwork might be older than that)

When I look at the new ones the first thing that pops into my mind is this guy:

So yea, I'm all for keeping things fresh, and I'm certainly not someone who just wants elves to be these perfect pretty creatures, I just honestly don't see the resemblance to Morrowinds facial designs, and I think the wide set eyes, thick brows and large chins just make them look brutish rather than sophisticated.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:27 am

Skyrim Dunmer look badass, bosmer not so much

Edit: be happy they are not like (to quote someone I don't remember's name): "Santa's little helpers." like in Oblivion
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:45 pm

I can clearly see how much effort you put into this thread... But I'm going to be honest.... it's too damn big to read. You think Elves are Derpy, don't pick em'. I don't think they are. It's all opinion.
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:09 am

I read the entire post.

I think what Vsions said sums this all up perfectly.

Its different strokes for different folks and that is perfectly ok

I absolutely love the race design in Skyrim, and I'm very impressed with the Elves (something I was originally concerned about, as I play a Dunmer).
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:31 am

Considering what the Mer looked like in Oblivion, I couldn't be happier with their new look. Dunmer actually look like a cursed race with ashen gray skin, instead of bluey green. The Bosmer also look great considering they looked like a bunch of wimpy gimboids in Oblivion and I'm fairly certain that nobody could take the males seriously.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:22 am

I'm glad they look more 'alien', it makes them look unhuman and strange.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:05 am

eh, I think they resemble the morrowind ones more, and I LOVE the new look for the elves.

As vsions said different strokes for different folks. Nothing to do about it now. But I like the way they've ended up, and you may come to appreciate it too when you play skyrim and see them animated. Only time will tell.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:57 am

I like the new faces with two exceptions:

1) Skin colours. Imperials are too dark and scruffy (hard to separate the different human races), Altmer too un-goldy, Bosmer too close to Dunmer (et.c.). This is easy to correct with a mod for those who care, though.
2) Hairdos. Altmer and Bosmer in particular had these really elaborate hairdos in Morrowind which, in my opinion, really defined the races as something unique. This time around, everyone seems to share the same category of hairstyles. Boring.

(I should also add that they are a huge improvement over OB)
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:24 pm

I'm glad they look more 'alien', it makes them look unhuman and strange.

Same, it's exactly how it should be imo.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:18 am

Quite an interesting opinion, but I'm sure their faces will look a LOT better once you can see them moving in-game. And even if that doesn't improve them for you, that's what PC's and construction sets were made for.
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Shae Munro
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:10 pm

I'm glad they look more 'alien', it makes them look unhuman and strange.

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Andy durkan
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:39 am

Our opinions differ. My first response to the elf designs were: "Nice, they look similar to Morrowind's designs." That's especially apparent in this picture of a Dark Elf The face structure is more rugged and defined. And even though they're not pretty, I like their designs.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:52 pm

I would have liked the Altmer to have a more graceful look about them.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:55 pm

The Morrowind ones look very similar, just with less detail. Same long chin, same gaunt face, ect. They also look similar to the ones from the First Pocket Guide.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:36 am

I like the new faces with two exceptions:

1) Skin colours. Imperials are too dark and scruffy (hard to separate the different human races), Altmer too un-goldy, Bosmer too close to Dunmer (et.c.). This is easy to correct with a mod for those who care, though.
2) Hairdos. Altmer and Bosmer in particular had these really elaborate hairdos in Morrowind which, in my opinion, really defined the races as something unique. This time around, everyone seems to share the same category of hairstyles. Boring.

If you go too "goldy" with skin color it ends up looking like you have liver disease. I think they nailed it. And I don't see how the dunmer and bosmer skin color is remotely close if you are looking at the presets.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:00 am

i would disagree on the point that they look like neanderthals. To me they look more alien than anything else. also if you want that morrowind yellow skin tone to play out....well, sorry that color would not work in the more realistically realized world of skyim. the color is far too saturated. the elven race is older than men, therefore it makes sense that their features are and pronounced. Not in the sense of brutishness, but rather giving the connotation of an older people, less concerned with their elegance and more concerned with other worldly matters. I dont particularly LIKE the new altmer, i like the Bosmer and the Dunmer are ok. But I can see the argument. And thats all I really expect, something where I can see the argument they are making.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:47 am

I say if the look of the elves can get that response from you, then Bethesda has succeeded. They look exactly what they should look like.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:14 pm

I absolutely love the new racial designs for each race. I mean, they made Bosmer look bad ass... Pretty sure vsions deserve a medal for that.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:05 am

It's a bit unfair of me, really, but I have to comment on one thing you wrote : "it simply makes them look like neanderthals, and in many regards makes them seem closer to orcs than humans. " TES elves are closer to Orcs than humans, what with Orcs ( and Dunmer ) being changed Elves. That's the way it should be.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:02 am

I could NEVER take serious anyone who chose to use the word 'derpy' to provide feedback on something I did; positive or negative (honestly, cause I have no damned idea what the hell 'derpy' is)
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:06 pm

I'm glad they look more 'alien', it makes them look unhuman and strange.

Again, this.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:04 am

Again, this.

Bethesda has nailed the elves. They are supposed to make you feel uneasy, because they are alien.
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Hilm Music
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:54 pm

They just what i imagined Discworld elves as.... beautiful, but different, they make you feel uneasy.... they have lovely singing voices, are graceful, and love to play games

violent games like...
-breaking your arms and watching you writhe in pain
-seeing if you run faster than an arrow

Discworld elves HATE humans....

and what Y'ffre said below me
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:11 pm

I'll just repost in what I've said in the last thread with some slight elaboration.

Elves aren't humans. I repeat. Elves. Aren't. Humans. They don't think like us, age like us, or live like us. So there's no reason why should even look like us or appeal to us, especially the elves in Elder Scrolls if your read the lore. The elves of Nirn are vindictive blighters that come in flavors of haughty, magical inbreds, cannibalistic, shape-shifting savages, and cursed, theocratic slavers whom all three would love to see the world destroyed in the name of their salvation, or at least the extinction of humanity and the enslavement of the beastmen. They're not pretty, they're alien. They have alien cultures, alien beliefs, alien practices. The elves in Skyrim actually look like a race apart for once.
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Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:40 pm

It's a bit unfair of me, really, but I have to comment on one thing you wrote : "it simply makes them look like neanderthals, and in many regards makes them seem closer to orcs than humans. " TES elves are closer to Orcs than humans, what with Orcs ( and Dunmer ) being changed Elves. That's the way it should be.

Yea, but they look close to orcs in the regard that the Altmer look thick skulled and brutish in this format, which is simply not what they should be.

I still don't get how "Let's give them really thick brow ridges that make them look like early hominids" makes them alien and unsettling, to me it makes them look like they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed and that's all.
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