Here is what Vsions said:
First of all, I feel kind of bad to have illicited a dev response by writing something that was intentionally inflamatory, I feel like a troll in a suit right now.
What I would like to say in reply to this is though: I personally don't feel that "Tolkien Elves" and "Skyrim Elves" is a dichotomy. There are dozens of ways to put a unique spin on elves that are neither of the two. I can fully understand that they weren't meant to look like perfect, pretty humans, and the whole game has sort of a rough and gritty tone to it, which is something that people loved about Morrowind.
My main concern with the design for the Elves is not that they aren't pretty enough, it's that their features seem rough cut and brutish. Many people mentioned they were bothered by the large brow ridges on these designs, and I wholeheartedly agree, it simply makes them look like neanderthals, and in many regards makes them seem closer to orcs than humans. Their faces are also disproportionately long with the eyes often found above the middle of their head, which instantly makes them seem really disproportional. (Brink had very unique face designs for its characters that sort of suffered the same problem, realistic skin textures combined with exaturated features just look really surreal)
The thing I really don't get though is how they are inspired by Morrowind. I don't recognize the Morrowind influence at all.
These just don't seem to have any resemblance to these faces:
The golden skin seems gone and is now more of an olive, light brown tone. That was already removed in Oblivion for the most part - I personally thought that brought them much closer to being humans with pointy ears than anything. There are really heavy brow ridges on all the males, the fine noses are replaced with really wide ones for the most part. They have beards all the sudden. Also what I find kind of odd is that there seem to be different ethnicities of Altmer now. Also the eyes are now completely yellow, making them look like they have jaundice.
Honestly, I just don't see the resemblance to morrowind. In morrowind all the altmer faces looked regal. They weren't pretty per se, but they had this carved, surreal and haunting quality about them. Their faces seemed classic and timeless above all else, always a reminder of their long lives and even longer history.
I really like some of the older Elderscrolls artwork.
(These were in the pocket guide to Tamriel that came with the Oblivion collectors edition I think, though the artwork might be older than that)
When I look at the new ones the first thing that pops into my mind is this guy:
So yea, I'm all for keeping things fresh, and I'm certainly not someone who just wants elves to be these perfect pretty creatures, I just honestly don't see the resemblance to Morrowinds facial designs, and I think the wide set eyes, thick brows and large chins just make them look brutish rather than sophisticated.