Yeah, but there's one problem with that--M'aiq wasn't the Champion of the Greymarch... I won't tell you who it was, but I will hint that my version of the new Sheogorath is female. :tongue:
(However, if I wasn't devoted to the Madgod, followed by Jyggalag, I would definitely follow M'aiq--except that he runs so fast, I struggle to keep up with him!
yeah, but that was in the last era, things have a tendency to change in the Shivering Isles, and considering the champion of the grey march was a mortal when he became the new (kinda mad god) he could have died or just wandered off. or maybe got to insane and met his end. doesn't really matter, look how they handled the Neverine transisting from MW to OB. besides, who would argue that M'iaq doesn't deserve to be mad god. imo it was shocking that M'iaq did not make some kind of apperence in SI or at least some one make a refference to him.