» Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:43 pm
That's an interesting idea.
But perhaps it's only dangerous "areas".
In Morrowind only certain areas had ash storms, which made it more difficult to move and see.
I'm not sure if any of you have ever played Cryostasis but "not freezing" is an important part of that game's mechanics, and it works pretty well.
What if certain areas of the world (or even regular areas in bad blizzards (leading to harder and dangerous areas with more payoff), are "freezing" areas, where you need to be properly equipped (clothes, camping equipment, spells, potions, etc.), to avoid freezing (which might be represented by your standard meter. Spend too much time outside in these areas or during blizzards and you freeze.
Take potions, wear warm clothes, etc. to either reduce the speed at which you freeze or "un-freeze" (reduce the meter).
I'm reminded of STALKER, in which you would have to take cover from the "emissions".
Perhaps you will be warned of Blizzards and hurry to take shelter in a nearby cave/house/etc. Just be careful of what/who you find there.