Okay normally I don't wind up playing mages.
What I am looking at is a pure squishy mage...dash of stealth This is the basics for what I'm looking at.
Breton (for abilities and looks)
Stones: Mage Stone (at first, then Lady stone for health/stamina regen)
Key Skills:
Destruction (key damage dealing ability, not going for the specialized perks like disintegration due to quirks with them)
Restoration (heals, some dawnguard combat spells)
Alteration (using the skin spells for defense, and utility spells)
Illusion (frenzy, invisibility, muffle, light spells. Key being quiet casting)
Conjuration (zombies, familiars, daedra summons as needed for backup)
Enchantment (only for enchanting personal gear, some money making; mostly mana regeneration with some resists/other)
Sneak (cautious exploration, not rushing in slinging spells)
Smithing (for jewelry to enchant for coins, more a tinker than a blacksmith)
Alchemy (mostly for utility potions: health/magicka restoration, invisibility + healing, cure disease)
Lockpick (since I haven't found a unlock spell mod I like yet)
Basic personality: Like many bretons born to common group, out looking for a way to boost their standing and power
Guilds/Factions - ALL!
Companions - Learning the ways of the warrior, and building up honorable reputation and experience working with physical combatants (will not stay werewolf)
Dark Brotherhood - Best way to learn about killing, is to kill... and gain the experience and contacts needed to be very powerful in the shadows
Thieves Guild - Much like the Dark Brotherhood, a way to gain experience and contacts that can assist in a variety of ways
College of Winterhold - Best place in Skyrim to learn the ways of magic
Stormcloak Rebellion /Imperial Legion - Undecided on side, but in many ways both sides have strong arguments for the mage's aid in the war (saving that for later)
Blades - Right up till given the ultimatum to kill the dragon... at which point the realization that the old blades are no more all that's left is a weak watered down ghost with nothing but vengeance and frustration left to them
Side quests - All
Like most bretons they will see those little quests as ways to hone skills, build experience and reputation... all of which add up to personal power and glory.
side quests of note:
Forsworn Conspiracy - try for both side(aka get the forsworn gear then kill the leader), else pure forsworn due to dislike of the nords involved (and to have a way in to the forsworn as allies)
Now end game I may swap out to heavy armor (with shield) but for the most part thinking pure clothe wearer