I'm actually really interested in creating a rogue/hunter/thief character. With that character I have some preferences to as to how my game is set up in terms of mods. Some of the specifics would be:
1. I'd really like to have conjuration as one of my main 7 skills. I really like the idea of summoning a creature into battle to fit into the whole hunter thing. The thing is, it seems that only 100% mages ever really have any magicka to use such spells. I'd really like some sort of mod that could possible reduce the magicka cost of summoning, or possibly even increase the default starting-out magicka base. I really do feel its way to low and i hope they change it in TES:V.
2. Potion and poison making really fits into my desired character, and i'd love to actually get to a high enough alchemy level where i can effectively use poisons and potions in combat that will actually make somewhat of a difference. I wasn't, however, very fond of the system they used in terms of leveling up and creating potions via alchemy. If anyone could recommend an alchemy overhaul mod, it would be appreciated.
3. One of the biggest things i disliked about oblivion is how big of a difference choosing your class and birthsign and class was, and how some of them absolutely svcked. Any suggestions on some overhaul mods that could improve this, perhaps even ones that could fit into my hunter character preferences?
I know there's more things that i'd really like to have modded before i start my character, but they don't come to mind right now. When i remember them i'll update this thread and see if i can get any more feedback.
I'd really appreciate it if the Oblivion modded community could give me some advice and help! Thanks in advance everyone
