Restartitis with Skyrim.

Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:29 am

I'm not alone, I just know it.

It's like I'm in a circle with symphatetic people to talk about our issues.

''Hi, I'm Ferrykeizer and I'm a restartoholic. *Hi Ferry*''

Who is familiar with this? Having to urge to restart your character the whole time?

I for one have it with this game, but also with Mount & Blade:Warband. (What faction? What skillset? And what background? RAAAAAGH!)

Anyway, about Skyrim. To stay on topic.

I got a ''Necrowarrior'' on this moment which is absolutely an amazing character. She's the most beautiful character I have ever made, and also one of the most interesting. Rarely do I make a character that I'm actually happy with.

However, that doesn't mean that I don't have restartitis anymore.

I make characters, and often do I delete them just because I got that feeling that there is something wrong. It's odd.

Anyway, what's your experience?

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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:35 pm

I never had restartitis. When I make my characters, I enjoy and stick by them through the end.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:56 am

I have restartitis. Hopefully my current character has cured it.
She's a good looking warrior woman and I am really enjoying roleplaying as the daughter of Ulfric.

I have made over 500 characters and deleted most within the first RL day of playing them.
I once made 50 characters in 1 week.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:24 am

yes, I have it, usually I end up doing something on char. that feels out of place for them, but would work on another. so I restart

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Avril Churchill
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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:20 am

Yes, but the few characters that I stick with have 150+ hour playthrough.

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Daramis McGee
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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:54 am

I know your pain :hugs:

After all this time, after all the different builds and combination of builds, I find myself as of late forcing myself to play which only lasts about 20 minutes then I switch out for something else or shut down the xbox all together. And that ain't good, I try not to force the game time, it will cause me to dislike the game even more. Restarting helps with keeping interest but that will only keep my interest for so long before I feel as though I'm forcing myself to play all over again.

I've been pretty good as of late but that's mostly due to the fact that I picked up Metro Last light, coupled with a metric ton of Halo :hehe: I'll return to some heavy Rping soon enough, a little break is a blessing from time to time :goodjob:

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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:02 am

A lot of my characters fall by the wayside. I don't like their build, I don't like their spouse, I don't like the way they built their house, I don't like being a thief, a whole lot of reasons that characters are deleted.

But those characters I stick with, I tend to play to high levels. My Altmer swordsman who hates the Thalmor, my Bosmer female elf, thief, archer, my Imperial assassin who came to find the Dark Brotherhood in order to become an assassin and take revenge on the family who disowned her (and who got the opportunity handed to her by the leader of the guild), these three made it through along with a few others.

I must admit, I do grow tired of Helgen, Whiterun and even Bleak Falls Barrow whose boss chamber never fails to enchant me with its wildlife and running water.

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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:47 am

I do this with a lot of RPG games. I like to RP my characters so if I want to try doing something else (like becoming a theif/assassin), it will most likely be out of character for my current character (such as a noble mage).

But the main issue is that I love the feeling of starting fresh, discovering new things, and having something to strive towards. Seeing my character progress and develop is a huge part of the fun. Once I hit a point where I'm not really learning new stuff, or I'm levelling way too slow to see any real development, I get bored and want something fresh to do.

There is also the problem of really wanting to play as an Argonian, but I end up having the immersion broken by a number of things - mostly how the clothing/armour interacts with the beasts heads/tails, and the fact there are no armours specific to the beast races (despite there being Elven, Orcish, Nord, and Imperial armours, and Redguard clothing). So my Argonian character don't last long, before I'm back to using Bretons.

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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:45 pm


Restartitis is one of my worst afflictions, almost as bad as the amount of time I take to tweak a character's appearance (particularly if he's supposed to resemble me, which is about 99% of the builds I do). I've restarted because:

  • I don't like and/or misspelled the name
  • I don't like the directions I've taken him in.
  • I want to make a tribute character and ditch my me-based character in favor of him (ie, Beowulf, F?anor, etc)
  • I want to make a me-based character like I normally do and ditch the tribute character
  • I didn't like the features I gave my character (before I realized Galathil existed).
  • I got to about level 40 and was jonesing to start over (happens quite a bit)

Even now, I'm thinking about Beowulf and F?anor again, as well as a Lycorth character, which I used to do frequently back in my Morrowind daze. Getting twitchy...

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Natasha Biss
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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:30 am

I have restarted some of my characters in the past, but not because I grew tired of them. It usually has to do with something that's bothering me, as it is the case with the guy above.

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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:32 pm

I think it's the curse of avid TES players. I'm yet to talk to any dedicated (not to sound elitist, but you know what I mean, right?) fan of the series that hasn't had bouts of restartitis.

I've been known to restart characters after five to ten hours of gameplay purely because I made a decision that went against the roleplay early on. Ignore it and move on, you say? NAY! I say. It's a niggle that eats away while you're playing and you just can't get it out of your head.

Likewise, on console I used to restart because I didn't like the way the character came out. Now the showracemenu can save me there, but not for the bad decisions.

However, Raynasa's latest incarnation is pretty much perfect, so she stays.

Restartitis over? Nope. Just tonight I've created three characters who are still in the "Live Another Life" prison cell, to be picked up or deleted at a later date. It's just one of those things. You get another idea for a character while playing your current one, so why not create them? You can always ignore them, or come back later. That's the joy of these games. There's no rush.

ferrykeizer, it seems we're in roughly the same boat. One character we're happy with (beautiful and badass, to boot!), but we keep making new ones. There's nothing wrong with that. They're just different roleplays to immerse yourself in when you feel like a change. Embrace it!

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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:13 am

I always get about 10 levels in, then I'm reminded of an alternate character build. Right now I veer between Imperial Crusader, and Stormcloak Dovahkiin. Sometimes it's Nightblade, whenever I read Mystery of Talara.

I would seriously be more 'committed' to this game if it had a 'class' system.

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Darren Chandler
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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:27 pm

I've been there. My good character killed Aerin when he married Mjoll because as we all know, that guy wants to get inside her banded iron armor.

But that moral inconsistency does bother me. But I chose to ignore that because I really love this character and I've invested too many hours into him.

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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:31 am

I have this problem. I really wanna get to a high level but I always lose interest in the character I'm playing as. Mainly because I get bored of the build or I messed up the role play.

I also have this problem with Argonians. So many times i have wanted to play as a Argonian mage but couldn't for the same reasons.

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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:23 pm

I used to have this disease called restartitis but then I found a cure called.. SKYRIM medicinal gaming nectar of the gods. Now I create a character and I play and play and play. Oh what fun it is I say to myself to feel so complete in the infinite vastness of SKYRIM where even majestic mods craftily created cannot compare to the fantasy unreality of SKYRIM.

Yay verily I was lost and confused now knowing what I was until SKYRIM appeared like a mentor disguised as a bum sleeping by the road to show what I am.

Yes I am all the levels of SKYRIM and beyond now...

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Post » Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:02 am

There is no Hope, Your efforts are in Vain because You are playing a TES Game :tes: .

I am not only guilty of Restartitis, I have switched characters because I believed an older Saved Game might work better for a character idea. I have invested Weeks in playing variations of a Bound Sword dual Wielder, trying to make an Evil Necromancer.

Forgetting a character has done Meridia's Quest very early, forgetting to Thrall Sebastian Lort. Not getting a non respawning place in Markarth to keep Spare Thrall Candidates.

I am having fun and enjoying it, but I still have not levelled My Pure Mage high enough to try and face the Ebony Warrior :mellow:

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