after rerolling countless chars, i finally set my mind on a RP char, tired of min/maxing
pick class you feel best with, play as you seem fit
Profit !
Yeah I'll be doing that this time.. Now... what to roleplay.. ... .. dammit. Haha. I HAD a khajiit sneak type character, but then made the mistake of joining th ethieves guild, and they made me do stuff which was totally against the morals I had for him, so now he feels fake. There's nothing else you can really do with a sneak character though.. except I guess the brotherhood.
I'm just an altaholic. Always have been. So I'm currently juggling four characters. I have my pure mage, heavy combat, light combat and archer. And I jump between them as I like. They're all in their mid 20s to low 30s.
Yeah I did that for a while, but then didn't play for a week and wanted a new character >: ( hah!
I get up to about Level 30, sometimes Level 40 as quickly as I can then I suddenly get an idea for a character that might be more fun to play as and then suddenly I have a massive urge to start everything over again.
It's quite a pain!
Yes. This is it. You have restartitus. I feel bad for you =(