First of all I apologize my English, this is a second Language to me
1) Restocking and Cleaning: In Oblivion It never really felt as if the city was moving about by itself.. once I had put my mark on it.. it stayed that way.. you could jump up on the table in a bar at Skingrad and kick everything down, or loot a store making it completely empty, and it would stay like that.. the NPC's would simply never notice or do anything about it...
I think it would help the realism feel, and simply keep people interested going into the same shops and places over and over if the decoration and wares were restocked or cleaned up.
now I realise making the NPC's actually walk around picking up stuff and putting it back in its place is gonna involve a whole lot of coding...
a simple solution could be to just fix it when the Player wasn't in that area.. with the exception of unique items or any other crazy stuff.. the store/bar/house could simply return to the state it had when someone first walked in..
but! imagine if some items had been replaced.. randomly..
In my opinion that would really make it exciting walking into the same stores and bars over and over again.. "oh look.. they got silverware on the shelf.. last time it was wood"
I don't wanna pretend I know anything about the coding of this specific game.. but I imagine you have objects or slots for every moveable item.. couldn't it simply be randomized? with the exception of quest and unique items..
and in a balanced way.. of course some stores have expensive items that the Player shouldn't be allowed to rob over and over again.. but everyday stuff.. like forks, and plates..
2) Now in the spirit of the first suggestion.. I think it would be awesome to see some decaying or removing of bodies.. in Oblivion you could just dump a body in the middle of the castle at night.. and once in a while a guard would run over there.. surprised.. but it would always just stay there.. so I'm thinking the easiest solution.. is to simply have it removed after a while?.. normal people would get rid of an arrow filled body 4 feet away from the King's throne"
regards Allan