My spellsword imperial has all his necessary skills up to where they need to be except restoration.
Aside from healing yourself, use wards, heal others and spam Turn Undead spells.
Also, use the sun spells from Dawnguard.
Use Equelibrium in one hand and a restoration spell in your other.
You can find the spell here:
However, alternating between Equilibrium and a healing spell (or casting both at once in each hand) is an effective way to train your Restoration skill. This can (depending on difficulty and Restoration perks) result in a net gain, as your healing spell may cost less than the amount of health spent on Equilibrium, so you can get to almost full health and magicka (and stamina with the Respite perk). This is very useful to those whose health or magicka regeneration is stunted, such as Vampires in daylight.Affected by difficulty, which means you will drain more than 25 health if you play on expert, master or legendary and less if you play on apprentice or novice, but always will get 25 magicka per second. The health cost is not affected by skill or perks in Alteration.
If you're on the PC, why not save yourself the trouble by upping it yourself with "player.advskill restoration XXX" where XXX is the amount of exp you'd like to get. I mean, if you're going to grind, you might as well make it easer..
Pay for training
Utilize Wards
Turn Undead
Heal yourself and companions
If you focus on restoration, it's actually pretty easy to level, I've come to realize.
You add too low values. Try setting the value to 5000. I think it takes a few 100k's to level to 100, but I'm not sure. The value you add is the experience you want, not the levels.
As far as I'm aware this command "player.incpcs restoration" should raise your Restoration level by one level while giving you regular total level XP. (Just repeat until you reach your desired level.)
I tend to play on console so I end up rubber banding my control with the healing spell on.